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"So, what do you say, Richmond?" the man in his early forties, sitting across the table, donned in a fine business suit and a crooked grin, asked

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"So, what do you say, Richmond?" the man in his early forties, sitting across the table, donned in a fine business suit and a crooked grin, asked. "Are you happy with the deal? Should we proceed with the paperwork?"

Joseph Bennett was a big name in the corporate world. He was a force to be reckoned with. The man had everything; money, power, and influence. I could even name some illegal businesses in his name. But that was a dark side everyone in this business world had. It was impossible to survive without one. Sometimes, one needed more than a clean reputation and a devious personality to get what one wanted. And right now, Joseph Bennett was desperate to have me on his side. I knew what his deal was. I knew about the losses his company in New Zealand was suffering while he sat here in this fancy restaurant, pretending he wasn't about to go broke in the next few months.

I admired his courage and dedication to fight till the end. But the sad truth was that he was like a fat fish in the shallow water. No matter how much he tried to stick his head into the water, the future ahead of him was dry as fuck.

But sadly, admiration didn't lead to profits.

And even though my name with his company might give him a chance of survival, I couldn't forget the way he treated me when I had just taken over after grandpa's retirement. He was the one who told me that the corporate world was like a sea of sharks and a rookie like me would get eaten up if I did not side with the right people. Right now, I wondered if he was having the same memory flash in front of his eyes. Could he see the irony and how the tables had turned in the last five years?

I leaned back in my seat. "I don't know, Bennett. I think there is still something you're holding back," I mused, as his eyes widened a little before he pushed back whatever thought crossed his mind.

"I assure you, there's nothing more to add. In fact, now you know more about this project than I do," he tried to make a joke while the other two of his business partners accompanied him with their annoying laughs.

"Well, I couldn't disagree with that," which was nothing but true. I knew more than he was trying to let on. I could practically see through his facade better than he pretended to see through mine when I was just a neophyte. "Let me sleep on it. How about that?"

"No!" he spoke through gritted teeth, barely holding back a snap. "You have already taken enough time as it is. We can't afford—" one of his partners cut him off with a cough.

"What he means is that we all came here hoping to close the deal today. It's what your assistant proposed over the phone. A lovely lady, by the way." His assistant added with a forced smile.

"Look," I turned to face the man who spoke up just now. "You're being honest with me. So, let me be honest with you, too."

"Of course. What is it?"

"I think you're not telling me the whole truth. And we can't have this agreement until I know what I'm getting myself into. I'm not asking you to put yourself in my shoes. But at least, give it a thought."

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