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We just looked into each other's eyes. Didn't move at all.

We got closer and closer until we are only inches apart.

When I heard a sneeze. I turned around and saw my brother awake sneezing like an idiot.

„You've got to be joking right now." I pulled myself away from Gavi and stood up, took a pillow and threw it in my brothers face.


I don't know how my brother is so good at ruining my best moments with him but I can't stay mad at my brother for too long I mean it's Pedri. You can't stay mad at him.

We all got ready and decided to eat some breakfast in the city.

Gavi and my hands were always touching. There was such a tension between us. It was very hard for both of us to stay apart from each other.

I do have feelings for him, without a doubt. But it's still very hard for me. I had very traumatic experiences in a short period of time which are hard for me to recover from. As soon as I feel better and ready, I will shoot my shot. Immediately.

We were eating breakfast when a police officer came towards us.

„Good morning. We are going to send you an email about what I will say right now but you're sitting here so I can also say this to all of you in person. I wanted to let you guys know that the man who assaulted you is now in jail. The judges decided to not have a court date and decided it in private, thanks to your brother."

I looked at Pedri who smiled at me.

I hated courts or these kind of meetings. I'd get the worst anxiety ever. I'm dealing with very bad panic attacks and the ones coming from the police and court and stuff are some of the hardest. Sometime I takes me 3 hours to calm myself again. I'm so thankful for my brother to do this and not putting me in such a situation.

I stood up and hugged my brother. How was I so lucky to be his sister?

We came back to the hotel and relaxed the whole time. Boys were playing some FIFA again and I decided to paint my nails.

Painting my nails is literally free therapy for me. I loved it but the boys absolutely hated it.

„ew what is that smell?"

I think I heard this for a million times in 20 minutes. These boys are some sensitive ones.

In the evening I allowed Pedri to go out with some of the teammates since he declined all invites he had gotten from a couple of friends. Gavi did to but I wanted some free time with him so I only allowed my brother to go out.

He didn't want to go, but he trusted his best friend so much. He was okay with me being alone with him which I was very happy about.

We wanted to make a very chill night so we were just laying in bed, cuddled and talked.

„What was that this morning? Would it have happened if Pedri didn't sneeze?" he said chuckling a little.

That really got me thinking for a bit.

„I don't know." I sat up and looked at him.

„I want you to know that I have feeling for you, Gavi. But I still got this house and the police and everything in my head replaying like a movie. I want it to go away so I can fully focus on you. As soon as it's gone, I promise you I will be yours."

He looked me in my eyes and kissed my hand.

The kiss on the hand. It will always remind me of our first time meeting at Pedris birthday. He looked so good in a suit. Handsome as hell.

I put my head on his chest again, put my hand on his and cuddled into him. He made me feel so safe and so loved.

„You know, the moment I saw you coming in with Torres, I thought it was over. I thought you were with him and I would never get to meet you like I do now."

„Everybody thought we were a couple. But when I saw you and kissed my hand, I knew that there was something. And I knew that this was not the end."

We looked in our eyes again before I turned my head back down. It did break my heart to do him like this but I needed time.

We talked the whole time, literally about everything. It was so amazing.

„What about the future? How do you see yourself let's say in 5 years? When we are 23.", I asked him.

„Hopefully still playing in Barca, with a girlfriend or wife. Maybe already starting a family. Living in a beautiful house. With you."


„No you're literally the sweetest." I told him and snuggled into his neck.

„What about you?"

„I see myself hopefully married to you. Supporting you at every game, maybe already having a baby. Depends on how you're feeling." I smiled at him.

The tension was still heavyyyyy. We both wanted to kiss each other badly. Very badly. But we took our time. For me. For us.

My Brothers Best Friend | Pablo GaviKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat