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i woke up super motivated which was absolutely great for this day.

i woke up before gavi and immediately went into the bathroom. i took an extra long shower to really take care of my body, hair and skin.

the last few days i felt a little weak but now i feel great.

i came out of the shower and saw that my boyfriend wasn't in bed anymore. i put some leggings and a shirt from gavi on. i let my wet hair fall down and put some oil in it.

i heard something downstairs and went to look when i saw my brother and my boyfriend on the sofa eating breakfast.

„good morning guys." i said.
„good morning amore."
„good morning hermana."

i took some breakfast my boyfriend did and sat next to them.

„what are you watching?" i asked them.
„pedri wanted to watch it, i think it's called too hot to handle."

lol. just lol.

„theres no way you're actually watching this." i said giving both of them a confused look.
„no we really are. there's no way it's so hard to not have sexual contact for a few weeks when there's 200k dollars to win." my brother said clearly pissed at the people breaking the rules.

i turned to gavi. „could you stay away from me if you could win 200k dollars?"
„i'm not sure about that." he said smirking before going in for a kiss.

„y'all do that in front of princess leonor but please not in front of me."

after we finished with breakfast, i started getting ready. i had 5 hours left and i needed to do my makeup and hair.

i slowly did my skin care and curled my hair. i did it in a low bun and let some front curled pieces fall out. as soon as i finished my hair, i started my makeup.

my boyfriend started getting ready as well as soon as my brother left. he styles his hair and started putting on his suit.

i finished my makeup and put my dress on. o felt like a literal goddess oh my days. i felt super confident and wanted to show the princess who's boyfriend she invited.

i put my shoes on and went to gavi. he was looking illegally handsome omg.

„eres muy hermosa amore." he said giving me a soft smile.
„gracias amore. you look so handsome."
„gracias. i need some help with my tie."

i helped him with his tie and felt his gaze on me the whole time. as soon as i was finished we had a deep kiss.

„i hate to break the kiss but we need to go amore." i said making him fake cry.

we went outside where we were getting picked up. it was a real limousine. omg.

we drove to the location, the royal house itself. it was huge.

we went inside and got greeted from so many people, and when we got inside i instantly made eye contact with someone: princess leonor.

i took my boyfriends hand and he directly knew what was going on. he whispered something in my ear and kissed my cheek. i was so glad that he wanted to show the princess who's his real princess.

we greeted everyone until we came up to the royal family to greet them.

„buenas noches. gracias por invitarme. (good evening. thanks for the invite.)" my boyfriend said while i smiled at them.

„no recuerdo haber mencionado que se invitara a un acompañante. (i don't remember mentioning a plus one being invited.)".

„leonor! lo siento por el comportamiento de Leonor, nos alegra que ustedes dos estén aquí desde entonces. (i'm sorry for leonor's behavior, we are glad you two are here.)"

we two went to our table and i felt the gaze of the princess at me. we sat down and my boyfriend went in for a kiss and gave me lots of compliments to make me feel better than anyone.

we ate something and the food was sooo good. i went to the bathroom to freshen up a little and when i came back i saw the princess talking to gavi.

now was my time, so i went up to them.

„hola. i hope i hope you won't mind me." i said taking a chair, pulling it next to gavi and he laid his hand on my upper leg.

„actually, i do mind."
„but i don't.", my boyfriend said smiling at me while she just gave me a fake smile.

„so, gavi, where were we?" she continued.
„uh, i think we finished our conversation." he added putting his hand on my lower back and telling me to get up and go outside.

yeah we kinda left the princess of spain alone at the table and went outside. he said he needed some fresh air. but honestly, same.

„ugh she annoys me." i started.
„honestly, we shouldn't have come here. she was telling me things about how her father would support if i was in a relationship with her and how bad you are."

this bitch. honestly just because her father is a king doesn't mean that she can just say whatever she wants about people she doesn't even know. it pisses me off.

„well then let's show her "how bad i am"." i said.
„oh no, what is your plan amore?"
„just kissing you more often and things like that." i smiled at him.

we went back inside and found her still at our table so we decided to go onto the dancefloor. since it was a 16th birthday party, there was a dj and stuff.

we started dancing and i laid my hands behind his neck and he put his on my waist. we kissed a few times between dancing. i felt the way leonor was looking at us: pure hate towards me, but i don't care.

as soon as she left our table we went back to ours and grabbed our stuff. we said goodbye when leonor gave gavi a piece of paper and didn't even bother looking at me.

we went outside and got driven home. in the car we opened the piece of paper together.

you looked so good today.
next time visit me alone without that uninvited plus one.
call me
+34 9182919 (the number is obviously fake)
mucho amore,
princess leonor

i didn't get what was going on inside this girls head. but i was so lucky to have gavi. he immediately ripped the paper and threw it out of the car.

he pulled me next to him to cuddle and i laid my head on his breast, slowly falling asleep.

when i wake up the next morning, i looked at my phone which was basically exploding.



My Brothers Best Friend | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now