A Fragment of Time

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With the release of the third part of the final season, I want to share this with everyone. I wrote this story years ago, just after I finished WINGS, but I never got to publish it then because I did not know how to end it. So, after looking back to my old writings in WINGS, I saw this again and was finally able to finish it.

The story takes place between the last chapter and before the epilogue. It shows the couple dynamic of Armin and Iris, and how their future would look like as they spend the next few years of her life together. I hope you enjoy!


Life truly is unexpected. And that is the beauty of it.

It has been months since the journey began. Two months to be exact, and nothing could compare the happiness that Armin was feeling at the moment. Before, the thought of traveling the northern part of the island with only Iris as a companion brought him worry because he thought of it as a mission, a mission to make Iris’ last years of living to be worthwhile, but as days passed, as every step they took, every mountain they climbed, every food they cooked, every night they shared, and every moment they shared together was just more than that. It was experiencing life as it was, full of unexpected turns and its beauty. He did not expect it to happen, he thought it was just because of a bond they shared for the past few years, but like this journey, he knew that it was more than their friendship. And he never though he would actually experience such love.

“I love you.” He said in a whisper as he watched Iris stand in the middle of the pouring rain, enjoying the feeling of every drop that touched her skin. 

He knew she did not hear him; the rain was too loud for a whisper to be heard, but for some reason, Iris turned to him with wide eyes. Crawling out of the tent they have put up for shelter, Armin walked into the pouring rain towards the young woman who watched his every move. He stood close to her that he could feel the heat radiating from her body, he looked down to meet her blue eyes. He reached up his hands and cupped her cheeks and said,

“I love you, Iris.” 

There was silence, no one spoke, the only thing heard was the rain.

A smile formed at Iris’ lips, and if Armin looked closely, he could see tears falling from her eyes. Iris placed her hand on his and brought his hand to her lips, kissing his palm. She then wrapped her arms around him and buried her face on his chest. There was a muffled sound, her voice vibrated on his chest. Smiling, Armin wrapped his arms around the crying woman and cradled her. 

“You need to speak up, I can’t hear you because of this rain.” Armin chuckled at Iris’ ear.

Iris lifted her head, she stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck for support and whispered at his ear,

“You’re cruel, you know that.”

“And why is that?” He asked.

“Because, I only have so little time to experience this. What about you? What would happen to you after I – ” 

“Then I would continue to love you.” There was silence. Armin was the first to speak. “Do you love me, Iris?” 

Iris pulled away from Armin, but still in arms reach, she faced him with red-swollen eyes and a solemn smile.

“I do… I have for the longest time.” Iris said, nodding as she cried. “For the past six years.”

After that time, Armin and Iris no longer slept apart from each other. As he promised to let her experience his love every moment he could, and every night he always whispered “I love you” just to tease her and remind her. A week later, they arrived at the newly built town by the ocean, they were lucky enough to not be recognized by the people and passed by in peace, they did not bother to check in at an Inn and preferred to camp outside, besides this journey was for the purpose of experiencing the island. Experience Paradise. 

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