Chapter Forty-Eight

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Firo rode his horse through the streets in haste. The news of the Scouts returning reached the farm, and upon hearing it, he immediately dropped his work and rode to the Military Barracks at Wall Sina. As he passed the people, he could hear rumors of the number of soldiers that died and that the only ones that survived were eleven – out of two-hundred, eleven Scouts came back alive. When he got to the barracks, he jumped off his horse, tied it to a post, and ran towards the entrance –

"Where do you think you're going, farm-boy?" An MP stopped Firo on his tracks.

"I-I heard that the Scouts were back." Firo said.

"You have family in the Scouts?"

"No, but –"

"Sorry, but only family are allowed inside."

"No, you have to understand. I know Iris Reed – I need to see her."

"Iris Reed isn't allowed any visitors at this moment."

"What? Why?"

"None of your business, now, get lost, farm-boy!"


Two Days Later

Sitting on the cold stone floor of her cell, Iris rested her head on the wall behind her, her eyes closed as she tried to get rid of the images of her mother, but she couldn't. She could still see it clearly, how she grabbed Maria from the ground, her mother's eyes as she placed the woman in her mouth and –

Iris clasped her mouth about to vomit. She ran to the sink in her cell and puked all the food she ate earlier.

"Stop thinking about it... you'll just make yourself sick." Levi spoke from his own cell.

Iris splashed some water at her face and sighed.

"I can't." Iris said. "And to be honest, this punishment isn't really helping."

"One more day..." Levi said. "As much as we try to defend our actions, it's still insubordination... we tried to fight off Hange's orders."

Iris went to the bars of her cell; she hung her arms over the bars and leaned forward. She could picture her father sitting on the ground, doing nothing as they spoke.

"How come our punishment isn't as long as Eren and Mikasa's?" Iris asked.

"We didn't really put much of a fight... besides, Hange thinks that what we been through was punishment enough..."

Iris said nothing.

"You still having those dreams?" Levi asked.

"Yeah..." Iris said.

But these aren't dreams... they're Mom's memories...

"Hey." Levi came to the bars of his cell, he could see Iris sticking out her arms form her cell. "I'm not going to let you go through this alone, alright?"

Iris nodded.

After finishing their three-day-punishment for insubordination, Levi and Iris were brought to where Eren and Mikasa were kept. When they came to their cells, they saw Armin accompanying Eren in his cell, writing down in his journal.

"Iris, Captain." Armin was the first to notice them.

"Armin, Eren, Mikasa." Iris greeted them.

"You're finished with your punishment?" Armin asked.

"Yeah..." Levi said.

"I hope you two would see this that even those in authority still gets punishment if they went against orders." Hange said. "But, the reason why Levi and Iris' jail time isn't as heavy as yours is because they didn't put that much of a fight... sure things were said, but in the end, they did the right thing."

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