Chapter Seventeen

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Levi sat quietly in the Mess Hall of the Survey Corps HQ. Earlier he was having a nice dinner with his squad, but after they excused themselves to get to bed – and Eren back to his cell, it was just him left. With his tea on the table, Levi reached into his jacket's pocket and got out a folded piece of paper. Unfolding the paper, Levi stared at the image of the woman, an accurate sketch of Maria.

How much were you hiding? What was so bad that you had to hide there? He thought.

Maria didn't belong in the Underground, that was what Levi believed. She was someone he always imagined to be at the Surface, someone who would run under the endless skies and sweet sun. Tracing the outline of her face, Levi couldn't help but remember how she felt.

Levi stayed still for a moment, he never got used to how she. Every time was like their first, ecstatic, pleasure, bliss... it was something he – both of them – wished to be at a state for as long as they can.

"Levi..." she moaned.

"Maria..." he said and leaned down at her and kissed her at the lips and then down to her chest. Once he finally moved, a moan escaped their lips. They both wanted it to last...

Levi sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He muttered. "Maybe I would have understood..."

No, he thought, I wouldn't... how would I?


Turning, Levi saw Petra entering the Hall with a worried expression on her face.

"Petra," he said.

Levi watched as Petra made her way to the table and sat down. The woman had her eyes on the paper that Levi had in his hands.

"I don't think Commander Erwin would appreciate you tearing pages from the books." Petra joked.

Levi scoffed.

Petra chuckled.

"She's beautiful..." Petra said. "I guess that's where your daughter got her face, huh."

Levi's eyes widened.

"Don't be so surprised, Captain..." Petra chuckled. "I saw her – your daughter – she's one of the new recruits... Iris, right?"

"Iris Reed." Levi said.

"Did she always wanted to be a Scout?"

"No clue..." Levi said. "I... I never really knew her..."

Petra frowned slightly, but then smiled, but Levi saw her smile was more of pity.

"I'm sure you know something about her?" Petra said. "Like, what's her favorite thing is, or at least the boy she's interested in..."

Levi chuckled lightly, slightly surprising Petra. She never saw her Captain smile.

"When she was a kid, Iris never asked for anything, so I only got her the necessities... on her fifth birthday, a friend of mine gave her a hand-picked daisy, which she placed in a small cup as a vase... she gave it to Iris as a gift... it was the first time I saw that kid smile reach her ears... that was a sight." Levi smiled at the memory.

Isabel always knew what Iris wanted... they were like sisters... Levi thought. Isabel loved Iris, and Iris idolized Isabel.

"And for boys..." Levi sighed. "I'm not even sure if she's interested in boys... if she were – or if there was, he better gets his act right."

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