Chapter 1

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Once there were two twin brothers; Cain and Abel. They are werewolves and their parents are the Alpha and the Luna of the Blue Moon pack. When they turned 18, They were hoping to find their mate even though they both were already in love with a girl named; Winnie.
You see, They all grew up together and their parents even hoped they were mates. Most of the time with twins, you end up with same mate, this kind of situation is not unheard of. 

Anyways on their sixteenth birthday, They had a big party and a new girl came to the pack. Her name was Aubrey. She has brown hair with green eyes about 5'8" with a curvy body but still small.
Able fell in love with her at first sight. He quit hanging with his brother, Cain and Winnie. You may be wondering why, Well Aubrey and Winnie didn't get along. Winnie tried to hang out with Aubrey but Aubrey just made fun of Winnie and finally, Winnie decided to just stay away from her.
When Abel quit hanging with her, It hurt her but she understands because he is in love and he thinks that Aubrey is the one. Her only problem is what is he going to do when he finds his true mate? 

Fast forward to Cain and Abel's 18th birthday the day that they find their mate or mates. When Abel wakes up with Aubrey beside him he smiles brightly at her but his smile instantly drops when he realizes she isn't his mate and he is so heartbroken.
He was hoping she was since their connection seemed so strong. His wolf is happy because he knows, He will be getting his mate today. Abel and his wolf have always debated about Aubrey.

League, Abel's wolf doesn't want Aubrey; He wants his mate and only his mate.
He is prepared to leave Abel, If he doesn't get his shit together and keep the wonderful gift the Moon Goddess gave him. League has told Abel this recently and Abel didn't take it well. 

When Abel and Cain show up for their big birthday, Abel smells the most wonderful smell of strawberries and vanilla. He walks until he finds it and when he stops he is shocked who is standing in front of him. His long time friend Winnie, he doesn't want to reject her, He loves her deep down but doesn't show it, mostly because of Aubrey, but something's takes control of him and he decides to kiss her. 

Once he does that his wolf takes full control of him. League picks Winnie up and carries her away to a private area. All he wants to do is mark and mate her.  When they get to her room League lays her down on the bed and proceeds to kiss her everywhere. He tells her how beautiful she is and he is so happy she is his mate.  They continue to love each other, they mark each other and mate all night. 

Winnie is so happy. However she is curious if Cain is her mate as well. She didn't even get a chance to see him.
When Abel wakes in the morning he sees he is not in his room. He also realizes that Aubrey is not the one laying beside him, suddenly all the memories from last night came rushing back

Memories that are not really his but his wolf's, League. These are League's memories. He looks at Winnie and realizes she is asleep and he smiles at her sleeping. He slowly brings his hand up into her hair but h snaps out his trance as he slips out the bed and heads to Aubrey's  room, pushing the thoughts of Winnie away.
Goddess what he is going to do now. 

League took over, mark and mated Winnie and Aubrey is going to be so mad at him. Abel finally got to his room and saw Aubrey laying in his bed, she was awake waiting for him, However when she saw him she was so angry.

She yells at him "You are MARKED." Abel nodded a slow nyes.
He started to explain "League took over, he marked and mated her."
Aubrey shook her head no.  "What are we supposed to do now, Abel? '' She asked him.  
"I am not sure baby but I love you and only you. We can work this out.  Maybe if Cain is mates with Winnie as well, she will be okay with just him and you and I can be mates.". She laughed. 
"Do you really think she will be able to be away from you now that you are mates with her? Do you really think she will give you up? Hell, she barely did when I made up all those lies." Aubrey shakes her head no and goes on
"No, she won't leave you unless you hurt her so badly to make her leave you. Do you think you are capable of that Abel?"

Abel thinks about that. I honestly don't know if I could hurt Winnie that bad. Plus my wolf would leave me if I did that to her and chose Aubrey over our mate.
League spoke up
"No you will not hurt mate. She is beautiful and perfect for us. This other woman is not for us, she is a liar and fake. When are you going to wake up Abel? Are you going to wait until you lose everything?"
I don't say anything, I don't believe him. Aubrey is perfect and beautiful. The Goddess just messed up the mating.
League says
"No she didn't. Don't do this, You will be woofless if you do."
I say
"Yeah, Right you won't leave me because then you wouldn't be alive."  
"Wait and find out Abel. If you do this you will lose everything and everyone" he tells me. 

It doesn't matter what he thinks, my mind is made up. I will make Winnie hate me and reject me so I can be with Aubrey. Now that is settled. I proceed to kiss Aubrey on her lips,down to her and neck, Where my mark will go soon.
I continue to kiss all over her body, I take off her clothes and you know the rest.

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