Chapter 20

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Winnie's POV

Max wrapped an arm around my waist, protectively as Justine grabbed his arm and hid behind him, Legend was hiding his face in my shoulder as I was holding him. 

Everyone was staring at us when I saw Jason come out from behind Cain. Legend and Justine looked up and their faces instantly lit up. I set Legend down and Justine ran out from behind Max. Jason knelt and held out his arms 
"Papa Jason!" 

Legend and Justine ran into his arms and Jason laughed as he picked them both up. 
"How are my two favorite kids?" 
Justine laughed as she said 
"We're good Papa. Mama and Papa brought us to see you" 
"Well I missed my two favorite grandkids" 

Cain and Abel looked at me as they both looked angry at Max. Max pulled me closer to him, He was being very protective. 
Jason comes up to me and hugs me, He shakes Max's hand. 
"Let me show you your room." 

I look at Max as he rubs his temples. I sit by him and rub his shoulder
"What's on your mind?" 
"Cain and Abel are Justine and Legend's parents right? 
"Yes, Legend is Abel's son and Justine is Cain's daughter." 
"Why did you tell the kids that I'm their father?" 
"Because I wasn't ready to tell my kids that their dads hurt me and that I ran away from them. Not exactly something you want to tell two nine-year-olds, Since I was with you constantly, It was just easier to tell them that you were their father. I'm sorry Max." 
"It's okay Winnie, I understand." 
"Let's go downstairs." 

Max and I went downstairs and I saw Jason playing with Justine and Legend. Cain and Abel were in the kitchen with their mother. Maybe I should tell them. Justine and Legend shouldn't be deprived of their fathers. I was zoned out thinking about how it would go when I heard Marie call us in for lunch. 

As we all sat down, I saw that Justine had sat by Cain. I almost choked on my food as she smiled and waved to him. He looked at her and smiled as well. She looks so much like him, I hope he doesn't put two and two together. 

I stand up as I get up and help Marie clear the table. I also help her do the dishes. Max was playing with the kids in the living room. I need to tell my kids while I can. 
"Hey Legend, Justine can you come to Mama real quick." 

We walk into a separate room which I find out is Jason's office. It's been a while since I've been here. 

I look all at the walls and see the two pictures that my kids had sent Jason hanging up on the wall, Next to a picture of me. I missed Jason. 
"What's wrong Mama?" 
"You know Cain and Abel, Papa Jason's sons?" 
"Well, I didn't want to tell you then because you were so young but Cain and Abel are your real fathers. Max is your dad who adopted you. But Cain and Abel are your real dads." 
"Why don't we know them, Mama?" 
"Well, your dad's hurt Mama. They hurt Mama badly so I left before I had you both but I want to give you a chance to bond with your real dads." 
"No mama, Max is our papa. He didn't hurt Mama like Mr. Cain and Mr. Able have." 
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Mama, Max is our papa." 


"I told them." 
Max looked at me. 
"Justine and Legend know that Cain and Abel are their fathers. I told them and they still insist that you are their dad." 
"Well if they want me to be their dad, Then I will be but Winnie I should tell you something." 
"What's up, Max?" 
"I have chosen someone to be my mate." 

"Oh my God, Who?" 
"You remember Theresa?" 
"Well we've been talking and I asked her to go on a date with me." 
"Oh my God Max! That's amazing!" 

I ran to him and hugged him. He deserves happiness. He deserves someone to love him again. He is such a great "father" to my kids and he will be a great father when he has kids of his own. 

I pulled away from him and finished getting ready for bed when I tucked myself into the bed next to Max's bed. Justine is laying with Max while I have Legend next to me. I play with Legend's hair till he falls asleep and soon after I fall asleep. 


Abel's POV 

"Did you hear that?" 
"Hear what?" 
"We have kids Cain." 
"What do you mean?" 
"Justine and Legend are our kids. Max just adopted them as his own." 
"Does that mean?" 
"Winnie was pregnant when she left you." 

Cain started to pace the floor as I grabbed onto his shoulders and stopped him. 
"It's more important than before but we have to get her back, For our kids and I know we both love her." 
"We should focus on getting our kids to trust us first."
I nod as I hug my brother and head to bed. 
I have to get Winnie back and with the help of Cain. Hopefully, she'll forgive us both. 

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