Chapter 6

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Winnie's POV

Everything is perfect. I have my mate and I'm Luna to the pack I grew up with. Thank you Moon Goddess. I can tell Liberty is happy too. Which is good because she hasn't been happy because our given mate accepted our rejection. Abel is still nowhere to be found, Mr. Jason seems to think that him and Aubrey took refuge in a neighboring pack. Mr. Jason also suggested that we shouldn't go scooping out other packs, It could look like we are trying to invade or take over said pack.

Instead, We just have to wait until an opportunity comes so that we can go talk to the other packs, in a peaceful manner. Cain however, did not like this idea. I could tell he missed his brother. Even if he wouldn't say it, I know he did. "Dad, I can't just sit around and wait for him to come back. I want to go find him. Justice can't get in touch with League either. Something's very wrong with Abel. I can feel it."

Mr. Jason sighed as he spun around in his seat to face us both.
"I understand the situation with Able is very frustrating but seeing as we are a bigger pack, We don't want other neighboring packs to think we pose any kind of threat to them. Plus as our new Alpha and Luna, You guys have to keep a calm composure. If the pack see's your distress, It will lead to them worrying."

Cain sighed as he nodded, He knew his father was right. Him and his dad had to be united on this matter, At least for the pack to see that Cain was dealing with the Able situation.
"I understand dad, but I still think we should look into our neighboring packs. I have a pretty good feeling, Able wouldn't travel far from here because this pack is where he earned his wolf, League."

Mr. Jason nodded.
I finally spoke after just watching them interact.
"I know of two they could've taken refuge in. The Crystal Moon pack or The Midnight pack. Both are walking from our pack.
Mr Jason smiled at me. "That's a start but seeing as Abel took my other car, it is very unlikely he went somewhere within walking distance."

I nodded and Cain rested a hand on my shoulder. This whole situation was making me uneasy. I missed Able terribly. I've known him since we were kids. The thought of him getting into any kids of trouble with other packs or possibly getting hurt worries me. "It's gonna be okay Winnie. We'll find him."

I look up and see Cain staring worriedly down at him. I wiped the single tear that fell from my eyes. I rest my hand on his hand on Mr. Jason's desk and smile.

Suddenly, Cain's beta; Quinton walks in and nods to Mr. Jason out of respect.  "Sorry to bother you three but there is another wolf here to see you three. He says he is looking for Jason but I don't think he is aware that Jason has passed on the Alpha position."

Jason and Cain look at each other as we all walk out of Jason's office and see a tall man in the middle of our pack living room with our members surrounding him, obviously on high alert.
Me, Cain and Jason meet the man in the middle as he smiles at Jason.
"Silas? Is that really you?"
"Jason, it's been awhile."
Cain looked at the man and his father curiously.
"Dad, Who is this?"
"This is Silas, My old friend and the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. Silas, This is my son, Cain."
"Pleasure to meet you and I'm assuming this young lady is Cain's mate?"
"I'm Winnie, nice to meet you sir."

He smiles at me and goes back to addressing Jason.
"Well I wanted to ask you about a possible alliance between the Blue Moon pack and the Blood Moon pack. Can I have a day with you?"
Jason smiles but looks at Cain.
"An alliance would be amazing but I'm afraid I'm not the one you need to talk to. You need to talk to my son. He is the alpha now."
Silas looks at both me and Cain.
"My apologies. But can I please bring you to my pack so we can talk about this alliance?"
Cain looks at me and his father and we both nod at him. He looks back at Silas and just nods.
"Great, Well I have a cat waiting outside, If you would like to meet out there when you get done here."
Silas then smiles at Jason again and pats his shoulder before walking out of the pack house.

I suddenly feel the tension release and our pack members relax now that Silas is gone.
"This will be great for our pack, Cain."
"Dad, Am I able to take Winnie?"
"I wish you could but this is strictly Alpha business. So I'm sorry Winnie but you cannot go with Cain."
I look at Cain and see he is upset. I rest my hands on his face as I kiss him.

"I will be here when you get back."
He smiles and kisses me before I pull away and smile.
"You should get going."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

He steps away from and goes towards the door. Before he steps out, He look back and waves. I wave back and smile brightly. He then walks out the door.
He'll be okay. He knows how to defend himself if it goes wrong and plus, He has Justice. He'll be fine.

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