Chapter 10

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Cain's POV

This past week I have been with my mate. Me and Trinity have been inseparable since she said she wanted to be with me. I want to be with her too. All though, I haven't seen Winnie in awhile.
I wake up with Trinity next to me, Her red hair in her face. I brush her hair out of her face as she opens her eyes and smiles at me. She leans up and kisses me and I hear Justice growl. I ignore him as I kiss her back
Today is the big day. Today is the day we decided whether to sign the treaty between the five packs or not.
So far Silas is on board and so is Sebastian; The alpha of the Crystal Moon pack. He is my age but his dad passed so he is alpha now.
I see Silas come into the living room where all the Alpha's were waiting for him. I smile and nod at him out of respect. Suddenly My dad and Trinity join us and we head to the conference room.
Winnie's POV
I wake up and sit up and realize I am not in my room. All the events from yesterday come rushing back and I slightly tear up but when Cassie sits up, I wipe away my tears. She hugs me and yawns.
I laugh as closes her eyes again.
"It's too early to be up."
"Maybe for you, Miss I stay up till 3 in the morning and don't get up till 12."
"Hey, don't judge me."
I laugh again as I hug her back.
"What do you want to do today? I don't want to see Cain."

She pretends to think and then acts like a lightbulb went off
"I have a place but you have to get dressed."
"Can I borrow something of yours?"
"Of course Win"

I smile as I get up and go to Cassie's closet like I'm shopping. She laughs as she falls against her bed.
I take off my shorts and tank top and get dressed in a bright yellow T-shirt and black overalls over it with shorts instead of pants and black combat boots.
I grabbed a yellow scrunchie that matched the shirt and tied my hair up into a ponytail.

I turn around and spread my arms wide
Cassie laughs again and gives me a thumbs up. 
"Now get up and get dressed"
"Okay okay"
Cassie parks her blue car in the grass as she gets out and I get out with her. She starts to happily skip towards the woods. I laugh at her as she stops in front of a small redwood cabin.
She mimics me from earlier.
"Oh stop."
"Fine. Buzzkill. But what do you think?"
"It's beautiful. How did you find it?"

She looks sad as she sighs
"I didn't. Me, my mom and my dad built it when I turned 16."
I look at her and frown. Cassie's parents had passed away during a pack war when we were both 15. Mr. Jason tried to save them but the rogue's had already killed them.
"Anyways! Wanna see inside?"
"Yes Cass"
I laugh as I walk into the pack house with Cass.
"Thank you Cassie, I needed this today."
"Anytime Girl."
She laughs as she hugs me.
"I need to go to find Jason but I will come to the room after."

She nods as she blows a kiss towards me. I laugh as I walk up to the second floor and this time I hear no voices so I just walk in.
Biggest mistake ever.
I see Trinity and Cain making out. I stare as I feel tears stream down my face.
"I guess you made your choice-"
I see Trinity and Cain pull away from each other as I look at Cain as he looks shocked.
"Winnie wait–"
At the mention of my name, I ran out of the conference room.
Cain's POV
Crap. Winnie saw me and Trinity together. She has tears streaming down her face and she just ran out. I stood there shocked as Trinity looked at me.
"Are you gonna go after her?"

At that, I ran after Winnie. I assumed she would go to Cassie's room so I ran towards her room.
I knocked on Cassie's door, out of breath from running, clear across the second floor of the pack house. Cassie opens the door and her eyes glow silver as she sees me.
"Can I see Winnie? I need to apologize."
"Please Cassie."
"No! And you know what, You aren't any better than Abel."
She then slams the door in my face
Winnie's POV

I hear the door slam shut and Cassie sigh as the silver fades from her eyes. The anger is replaced with care as she sits on the bed and I hug her right away.
"Hey Win."
"I can't see you keep getting hurt by these two brothers, I want you to leave."
"Cass, I can't-"
"I'll go with you. I just can't stand seeing you hurt like this. Let's pack our bags and go to another pack."

I think about it for a moment
"We couldn't, They wouldn't let two wolves from another pack into theirs."
Cassie thinks about it and her face lights up
"Maybe they wouldn't let two wolves in but they would let a mother in."
She smiles and so do I.
She screams "yes" as she hugs me.
Cain's POV
I feel so bad. Winnie caught me and Trinity making out and she looked so hurt. I couldn't stand the look of sadness in her eyes.

"I told if you hurt mate again, I would leave you"
"Justice, Let me explain."
"No, You hurt mate. I don't want Trinity and Sierra! I want Winnie and Liberty."
"Well I want our given mate."
"I hate you Abel."

I felt pain in my chest. Justice, My Wolf called me Abel. I'm nothing like Abel.
I sigh as I head to the conference room to clean up and surprisingly I see my dad there. He looks pissed.

Oh no.
"So when were you gonna tell me that you and Trinity are messing around with each other?"
"Dad listen, Trinity is my mate. My given mate."
I smile, hoping he would be supportive but he was the exact opposite.
"I thought you wanted Winnie?"
"I did-"
Before I could finish, He caught me off.
"So now that you met someone new, you decided you don't want Winnie anymore?"
"She's pregnant with your child Cain and you are just going to abandon her with a child like that?"

I open my mouth to say something but he holds up his hand to stop me
"I thought I raised you better than this. You are just like Able. I am disappointed in you Cain. I thought you would be a good leader and mate to Winnie but if this is how you are gonna show your love to a mate you choose and how you would show your pack members how to act, Maybe I should rethink you as leader."
I was stunned as my dad just walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
I have to see Winnie. I need to make things right.
I open the door and run towards Cassie's room and open the door.
I look around and most of their stuff is gone. I looked on the bed and there was a piece of paper there. It was a note, addressed to me. From Winnie..

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