Chapter 23

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Abel's POV

I rush into my brother's room as Cain looks at me.
"What's wrong Abel?"
I run my hands through my hair as I start to pace the floor. I guess Cain could tell I was stressed because he came up to me and grabbed my shoulders. He made me look at him.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't stand seeing Quinton being so close to Winnie. Winnie is our mate."
"I know Abel but Quinton is so protective of her and her kids that we can't even get closer to them"
"I say that we ask Winnie for a second chance."
"What if she doesn't give us a second chance"
"Then we'll cross that bridge when we get there"

Me and Cain walk out into the yard as we see Winnie with the pups. She looks so beautiful. I then see Quinton look at us. He is freaking everywhere. Well, He is the alpha and Winnie was initiated to be the Luna because Caterina died during the fight with all the other rogues. We persevered but we lost many pack members. It was especially hard when the pack lost another Luna. Caterina reminded me a lot of Winnie. She was so kind and trusting. She believed there was good in everybody.

Max looked at both Cain and I. Just seeing him with Winnie makes my blood boil but I can't do anything about it. Even my dad said that I shouldn't do anything because Quinton was the alpha now and going against your alpha was always a bad choice, So as much as me and Cain hated seeing him around Winnie, We had to deal with it.

I look at my brother as I see he is staring at Winnie. I know he regrets messing up with Winnie and that he wants a second chance to make it right but again he could do anything because of the Alpha.
"I Miss her."
"I miss her too"

I see Quinton look at us again while Winnie is teaching the kids how to draw a daffodil. She is so talented and I could just sit and watch her but I know Quinton won't allow us to be close to her. Not right now.

Me and Cain have been trying for the past week to get close to Winnie but guess what. Quinton is constantly there to block us from getting too close. With that discovery, Cain and I haven't been able to get Winnie and much less talk to her about giving us a second chance.

Quinton, right now is in an Alpha meeting with Silas, Sebastian, Max and of course, Jason is in the conference room. Jason is in there because everyone believes he is the wisest alpha the Blue Moon pack has never seen. Even Jason's dad, Jacob, wasn't the wisest. Jacob made a lot of dumb mistakes that eventually got him in the boat that got most of the pack killed, Including himself.

Jason was only 16 when his dad died and he took over the Alpha position and he had to rebuild the pack for the ashes to what it is now, because of Jason, The blue moon pack is the strongest pack.
Cain and Abel walked out into the field as Cain and Abel saw Winnie was in the field, stretching as if she just got back from a run or training. Cain and Abel walk up to her as she looks up at them. She stands up and tries to walk away but Cain grabs her hand.
"Winnie please, Let us talk."

She nods as she pulls her hand from Cain and backs up a little.
"What do you wanna talk about?"
"We both want a second chance."
"Please Winnie"
Winnie's POV

"They want a second chance? Liberty, I need your help."
Liberty says nothing yet.
"Liberty please."
"I want mates back. I miss Justice and Legend."
"Okay. Then you will have your mates back."

I don't really know if I should really open up to them but Liberty needs and wants a mate and who am I to deny my wolf of love? But I am doing the Moon Goddess's wish finally.

Cain and Abel both light up as they go to hug me but I step back.
"But we're taking this slow and I'll still be Quinton's Luna."
I see them trying to hold back, They were mad I know but I won't step out on Quinton or the pack. Quinton and I have gotten close and the pack needs a Luna and the Moon Goddess said I'm destined to be the Luna, which is why I am drawn to people of power.

I see Cain and Abel nod as I smile, I know they mean well but is it wrong for me to not fully trust them? Even the Moon Goddess said I should trust them and give them another chance so is it wrong for me to not trust them?

I smile a little but then I get shocking news from a panicked Liberty.
"I can't reach Justice!!"
Oh no.

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