Chapter 21

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Winnie POV

Today as I woke up I decided it was time to go see my dad.  I am nervous because he is strong and I don't want to see him hurt ever again.  I get into the shower to wash up before the twins wake up.  I finish my morning routine then I hear Justine say "Momma"
I take a deep breath and reply"Yes baby girl, what can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering what is the plan for today?" Justine asks.
I tell her we are going to see Gigi, Heather and Papa John. I continue on with "you need to know Papa John is hurt badly so we are going to the hospital."

Justine stiffens. I tell her early because she hates hospitals.  She was in them alot when she was around 5 due to being sick.  The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Honestly that is when Max and I got even closer. He was there with me every step of the way helping me with Legend, helping me cope with my emotions over not understanding why my baby girl and giving or making me go home to spend time with Legend and sleep. I can never thank him enough for that time in our lives. 

I look at Justine remembering all of this.  I bend down to her to get eye level with her. 
"Baby girl, you don't have to stay if you don't want to.  Just go in with us to say hi and give Gigi hugs. She really needs them right now as we did when you were in the hospital."
Justine looks at me with tears in her eyes saying
"Okay momma."
After I talk to Justine, we walk to Legend and see he is still sleeping.  We decide to wake him up loudly.  We start to sing

Rise and Shine give God the Glory, glory.
Rise and Shine and give God the glory Glory
RIse and Shine and give God the glory glory Children of the Lord

We both laugh afterwards and Legend groans
"Really mom."
I laugh and tell them to get ready for the day.

Justine, Legend and I walk into the hospital.  I ask to see John Jones.   The nurse tells us he is in room 113. 
Once we walk into my dad's room, I stop and just look at him.  Legend runs up to the bed, "Papa John, are you okay?"  I say
"Legend, stop yelling, he needs his rest."  
My dad says
"I am fine, Winnie. Just thought I would hang out here until I was 100%."
Legend and Justine laugh.

I shake my head in no motion. 
"Dad, how are you feeling?  What is the doctor saying?  How long do you have to stay here? What exactly happened?"

My dad says
"Slow down Winnie and give me time to answer the first question before you throw so much at me. Jeez, I have brain damage. You can see I am in the hospital right?"

I gasp.
"Dad, I am so sorry.  I wasn't thinking." 
He just laughs at me.  I huff.  He was just kidding with me and I was taking him seriously. 
"Dad, can you be serious please. I am freaking out. All I got was that you were attacked badly and I needed to get here quickly because you could die."

He laughs.
"They are overreacting just a little, some of that is because everyone wanted you and the kids here so we may have exaggerated just a bit."
"Are you kidding me?  Well, how exaggerated?"  I ask.
He states "I was in an attack, I got hurt pretty bad but my wolf Jax is healing me pretty quickly however I will need some help after I leave here.  I can't walk right now at all due to me not feeling my legs just yet."

I nod my head. I am glad I came back but so irritated that everyone who called me exaggerated his health. Withthat being said so glad he isn't really dying. My next question is
"When do you get to leave and where is mom?"

John sighs. "I can leave anytime now, I just need help getting there.  Your mother is home getting the house ready for my arrival.  Can you help me get to the house?"

"Of course, let's go." I say.
Justine yells "yes" and throws her arm into the air like she just did something.  I smirk. 
I go to get the doctor so we can go home. 


When we get to my parents house, Justine and Legend run inside and I help dad out of the car.  We get inside and mom comes running to the door. "I thought you were going to wait for me to come back so I can help too?"  She
"Mom, it is okay.  I wanted to help dad while you were finishing up here."   I tell her.  My mom sighs.  "Okay."
Dad says "I would like to go to the couch so I can watch some TV and relax and chill with my family.
Mom and I agree.  We get dad to the couch, Justine and Legend sit on the big comfy chair to get ready to watch TV with Papa and Gigi and I sit on the loveseat by myself.  Mom picked The Lion King on DVD.  I smile because I remember watching this when I was younger with my mom and dad.  Those where some of my favorite memories, along with playing with Cain and Abel and cooking with Marie and Jason.  As I am going down memory lane, I think about Cain and Abel and all the history we have.  Goddess, I miss them so much, the fun we had and the kisses and love.  I know it was one sided on my part but I wouldn't change the love I have for them for anything.  I just wish it got me somewhere beside being hurt and second to both of them. 

"Momma, are you watching Lion King?" Legend asks.  I jump because I was so lost I didn't hear him.  "Yes, baby I am watching it." After that I watch the rest of Lion King with my family, laughing at the funny parts and crying when Simba reconnects with his dad in the clouds.  Goddess, it gets me everytime.  Now the movie is over I decide to go make dinner for everyone as they watch Beauty and the Beast which I always thought was odd because we all are beasts. 

I decide to make homemade pizza it is my kids favorite food plus it is about the only time I can get them to eat vegetables.  I bring the two pizzas to the coffee table so no one would have to quit watching the movie.  I made meat lovers and a veggie pizza that way they get their protein and veggies.  As we eat I look around and realize how much I missed this over the last ten years.  Yes, I got some of my dreams to come true like I am an artist, yes I sell my art all over the world now and yes, I have my own business and art school but at what cost?  I lost time with my parents.  My kids lost time with my parents and what would have happened if my dad wouldn't have made it through this attack.  It shows me to never take family and friends for granted and always make memories they will stay with you always. 

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