Chapter 25

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Cain's POV

I've been trying to connect with Justice ever since Winnie decided to give me and Abel a chance, I figured he would come back once he found out Winnie and Liberty were back but I was wrong. Abel has been helping as well by getting League to try and contact him but to no avail. He simply has disappeared off the planet.

I was in the kitchen, Making grilled cheese sandwiches as I looked over and saw Justine and Legend playing together in the living room. I really hope we can all be a family. Me and Abel really messed up, So much so that we lost nine years with our kids. Hopefully, We can make up for lost time. I want to have a family. I never once thought that my brother would be a part of that family but now that I know, I wouldn't change it. Because he was here, I didn't have to go through it all alone. Losing Winnie, Losing my Alpha position, The war. All of it.

I take the grilled cheeses off the pan as I put them on plates with sliced peaches and go into the living room. The two kids stop playing once they see me. It's clear, They still don't trust me.
I hand them each a plate and I sit on the couch. I want them to trust me. Sure Legend isn't my kid but he is my nephew and Justine is a lot like me apparently. I have been told by many people, Mostly my dad. That she acts just like I did when I was a kid. Just full of energy. I want to get to know both of them but they don't want me around it seems. I wonder if Winnie told them. It would make sense why they don't trust me.

I sigh and I was about to go back to my room but I see Winnie come from downstairs.
"We need to talk to Cain."
I look at Winnie and nod as I follow her back to her room after she finished telling the kids that they should go get Papa Jason and go play outside. The kids seemed excited when Winnie said Papa Jason and they got up and ran off.

I see Abel come downstairs and Winnie sits down on the couch. I sit down by her and Abel sits by me.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"I know how to bring Justice back."
"I know how to get him back. The Moon Goddess visited me. She told me that she can bring him back but I have to do something for her first."
"What do you have to do?"
"I have to mark you guys."

My eyes widen and I look at my brother and he looks equally as shocked.
"Are you sure Winnie? You don't have to do this."
"Yes I do, I'm doing this for Liberty."
I look at Abel again.
"Are you sure this is the only way?"
"Yes I'm sure."
Me and Abel are marked Winnie to bring Justice back. This is surreal. Hopefully this will bring Justice back because I can feel myself getting weak without my wolf. My dad said it's normal to feel weak without Justice but our wolves are our main source of strength and stamina. Unless I can get him back, I will slowly start to lose my strength more and more often.

I need this marking works so I can gain my strength back. My dad won't let me on the front lines for fighting like he normally would. He says I need to preserve my strength.

I look at Winnie and Abel.
"Are you sure that you want to do this?"
"Oh please Cain, You need this more than us"
I look at my brother, Who looks like he is trying not to laugh.
"You're getting weaker without him, Cain. We've noticed."
I look at Winnie and see sympathy in her eyes.
"I forgive you guys and Liberty wants Justice back so let's do this. Liberty deserves happiness after all of this drama."

Oh Gosh, We're actually doing this.

Normally the marking process is a beautiful thing but I couldn't help but feel a little weird that I was sharing it with my brother.

Winnie didn't let us mate her but I know we're all mates now. Winnie wants to talk to the kids about them actually giving us a chance, A chance to be their dads. I hope they say yes. It would be awesome to get Justice back and a chance to be the father Justine needs, All in one day. I was laying in bed. Winnie was gone, Talking to the kids and Abel was out on a run.

"So Winnie is back?"
I freeze, I know that voice.
"Yes Cain. Selene talked to me and told me how weak you've gotten and that Winnie was back so I decided, It was time to come back."
I can already feel the strength that comes with a wolf coming back. I send a slight thank you to the Moon Goddess and Winnie.

"I missed you Justice."
"I missed you too Cain."
"Now I heard Winnie was back and you mated with her?"
"She is. She is talking to our kids."
"We have kids?"
"Yep, Justine and Legend. You've missed a lot Justice."
"Well I'm here now."
Winnie's POV

"So do you think you can give your dad's a chance?"
I see Legend look at me.
"But they hurt you Momma."
"Yes they did but I have forgiven your dad's, So do you think you could find the heart to forgive them"
I see them both look at each other and give me little nods.
"We will try, For you Momma."

I smile but then I feel Liberty getting antsy
"What's wrong Liberty?"
"Justice is back!"

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