Chapter 18

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Winnie POV

“Yes, I have kids. I have twins. One girl and One boy.”
I get Justine and Legend out of their seats. Max came to me and took Justine from me, which was a big help. Dexter just watched us at first but then grabbed our bags and I followed him into our room.  

Once in our room, I realize it is a big room enough for me and the kids so questions flew through my head.  If he didn’t know I had kids why is my room so big? Why am I on the ranked Wolf's floor? What did Sebastian tell him?

I laid Legend down on the bed to change him. Max sat in a chair with Justine, she finally quit crying.  I am sure they both need to be changed and fed but first Legend because he is still fussy.  

I told Max
“I am going to feed them both if you can lay Justine down on the bed.”  
He nods, lays her down, and says
“Dinner will be ready soon if you would like to join us.  If you would rather rest I can have one of the Omegas bring you food a little later?”

I look at him and state
“Just bring the food up tonight.  I am tired and want to relax and not ready to meet people just yet.”
He just nods in agreement and walks out of my room.

It has been a week since I have gotten to the Midnight Pack,  I have met a lot of new people who have accepted me and my children which I love.  I have had some people ask me some questions but I haven’t wanted to share and they were okay with that.  I have worked with Max by getting to know his pack and the best way I can help him.  I have learned the history of his pack along with the different businesses the pack runs. There is an art school for everyone but it is mostly for the early 20-something wolves. I love this school to the point where Max has given me the school to run as my own business which is the way I have been making my own money. I also write little stories for the nursery kids in their packs. I read them the stories I write every week. I love this because I can bring Justine and Legend with me to all of my jobs. Max said once I learn all the businesses he will have me do all the scheduling of meetings, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable of each business as well. That way I can do this at any time and don’t have to have a strict schedule especially since my babies are still little. That meant so much to me because he has been so understanding. He is a good Alpha but also a good man his mate was very lucky to have him and when he is ready for a relationship his partner will be very lucky as well.

Today I am going to present my new story to the nursery kids called Baby Cat Adventures. I have decided this is going to be a series of the cat meeting different animals on the farm he lives on.  I am also going to the Art school, I have had this great idea to advertise the student's art on the Internet so their pieces can be bought by anyone but I have to get it approved so I am talking to the board.  I believe they will love this idea but I am a little nervous to talk with him.  I dream of my art being purchased by everyone around the world and I am known for my art but right now my concentration is on the kids of the school not on my art maybe one day.

In the nursery room, I sit down and begin to read my short story 
“Baby Cat Meets Ducks”

So this is the start of Baby Cat Adventures. Today Baby Cat will meet some ducks. 

How did this happen you ask? Well you see, Baby Cat is a very adventurous cat. So he was exploring the area around his barn. 

When he came to a small pond, He toppled in. 

That's when Mama Duck swam over with her five ducklings as she went up to Baby Cat, swimming around him, attempting to teach him how to swim. Baby Cat started to doggy paddle across to the bank. 

Once he made it to the bank, he turned around and swam back to Mama Duck. 

Mama Duck gave a happy quack and her ducklings followed suit. That was the day Baby Cat made new friends and knew how to swim. 

As I was reading I had a duck for the littles to interact with and I brought a stuffed cat for them to see Baby Cat as well. They seemed to enjoy the story along with my props. As I finished up the story, the other adults were smiling at me. I guess they enjoyed it as well.  

Afterward, I left them with the ducks as a gift for them.  The woman who runs the nursery said that was wonderful Winnie. You should share your stories with everyone, make a book and teach others how to interact with their little ones as well.  I just nod at her because I can’t do that.   I tell her
“Thanks. I have to go but I will bring a new story next week. Have a good day.”


I head to the office where Max and I work. On the way I see Dexter chatting with a woman who looks like Max, I wonder who that is?  I go to walk by but Dexter stops me and introduces me to the woman. 
"Winnie, this is my mate. Lana and also Max’s sister. Lana is Winnie, our temporary part-time Luna."
 I tell her it is nice to meet her. I introduced her to Justine and Legend mostly because she kept looking at them in the stroller I was pushing.  

Once we finish up I continue to the office to get the papers so I can work the businesses so Max doesn’t feel like he has to do that also.  )As I walk I think about the people I have met here.  Max is a tall, dark, mysterious man. He has the bluest eyes I have ever seen, nice built, not too big but definitely can do some damage when he needs to.  He is a quiet guy. If I wasn’t already so in love with Cain and Abel I would go for him.  He is the type of guy I want but I can’t go there ever again.  I am too damaged now plus I am raising two kids on my own.  Then I think of Dexter. He is the talkative one, he has red hair, green eyes extremely tall standing at 6’7” and he is bigger than Max as his build goes. His mate is lucky too because he is so tentative with me as a stranger always making sure I don’t need anything or my kids don’t need anything so I can imagine how he is with his mate. The Omega Beth, is an older woman who reminds me of my momma, super sweet, and loves to take care of people which is perfect due to her job. The woman who runs the nursery is Twyla.  She is in her 40s, has black hair, and brown eyes, and is 5 and 5’5” has two kids of her hersch teenage pages 18-year-old boy, and a 16-year-old daughter Chel. They are also sweet.  They get so excited because they are training to be warriors. I have met tons more but these are the ones I am closest to in this short amount of time. I am very much looking forward to growing in this pack.  

When I walk into the office Max is sitting working on something.  I ask him
“What do you want me to do today” 
He just looks at me at first then replies with
“I want you to wait because we are going to train today. Beth is coming to watch over the kids.”

I looked at him. I wasn't expecting that today. I thought I would have more time.  I guess he is wasting time getting ready to defend myself, my kids, and this pack.  

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