Part 19

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After the race, celebrations had been taken by every single driver no matter their position - because in the wise words of Daniel Ricciardo: free alcohol.

That was how Lyla Andre-Accardi found herself completely sober in a random club in Portugal keeping an eye on a certain Ferrari driver who had managed to have a little bit to much to drink like many of the drivers currently in the club.

"Your not even going to have one?" Sebastian asks, approaching the young woman.

"With the state he's gotten himself in?" Lyla nods towards Charles. "You've got to be completely sober to deal with that."

Sebastian looks out towards the drivers. Daniel and Max had managed to climb up on top of a table and had their arms around each other's shoulders, singing loudly and swaying side to side whilst Daniel clutched some form of alcohol in his hand. Carlos and Charles were hand in hand dancing together. Lando had made his way up onto the DJ platform and now shuffling the music with Checo and Lewis at his side. Kimi, Valtteri and Fernando were stood together in the corner of the club, bottles of what anyone could've guessed was vodka between them, talking in hushed whispers about something.

"You really care for him, don't you?" The ex-Ferrari driver sighs.

"He's my best friend, Seb." Lyla mutters, looking at the German.

"Just your best friend?" He smirks slightly. "Because I think there's more to it than that."

Lyla was thankful for the dark lighting in the club because it meant that Sebastian couldn't see the blush that had formed on her cheeks. She cast her eyes back out towards Charles, watching him with a soft smile as he finally noticed Pierre, gasping and pointing towards him before taking Carlos' hand and dragging him over to the Frenchmen - proceeding to jump onto Pierre's back and gave the man half a heart attack.

"Mein gott." Sebastian mutters. "Not again. KIMI RAIKKONEN GET YOUR ARSE OFF THAT TABLE!"

Lyla got to laugh as she watched the German run towards the corner of the club holding the two Fins and the Spaniard. She got to laugh even more as she saw Kimi on the table, clutching a bottle of vodka in his hand, swaying from side to side whilst chugging from said bottle, both Fernando and Valtteri cheering him on from below.

Lyla just shook her head, downing the rest of her coke and putting the glass down on the table before making her way out into the crowd of drivers. She wanted to have some fun tonight and she wasn't going to get it chaperoning Charles from the table.

"LYLA!" Max screams, breaking away from Daniel and rushing over her. "Lyla I love you!"

"I love you too, Max!" Lyla shouts back over the music.

"LYLA'S HERE!?" Carlos' voice suddenly sounds. "Where!?"

Lyla smiled at the drunken Spaniard, ruffling Max's dirty blonde hair since the Dutchman had attached himself to her and was sticking his middle finger up at Daniel who was now pouting. Carlos walked over to Lyla with a raised eyebrow before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and chugging the rest of whatever drink he had in his hand.

"Hey! Did you know," Carlos whispers in her ear, words slurred from his state. "Charles wants to have babies with you."

"Oh does he now?" Lyla asks with a smirk. "Max!"

She watched the Dutchman slip away but sighed when she watched him fall into the safety net that was Daniel Ricciardo. Lyla proceeded to turn her full attention to the extremely drunk Carlos Sainz, who was looking at her with a dopey grin on his face.

"He told me!" Carlos continues. "You two would have cute babies."

"I think your a bit to drunk to be saying that, Carlos." Lyla laughs.

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