Part 29

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Only a few weeks ago, Lyla Andre-Accardi had been completely repulsed by the thought of marriage, having a family and settling down with one person for the rest of her life.

But recently, she had found herself questioning her own beliefs entirely.


Blame a one Charles Marc Herve Perceval LeClerc.

She could see herself doing all of that with him, but only him.

The thought of marrying another man and having someone else's children was repulsing in itself and she never ever wanted to think of doing that again in her life.

So, she concluded that if she was to do all of that with someone it would only be him.

What did she get out of that conclusion?

She was in love with Charles LeClerc.

Lyla smiled softly as she lay on her side in the familiar bed. The sun streaming through the windows cast the perfect golden glow onto the bed and seemed to make the man asleep next to her look even more like an angel than he already did. His dark brown hair was messy, the majority of it flopping over his forehead and hanging down into his eyes, his skin was still sunkissed from the amount of sun he had acquired over the last few grand prix's and the freckles that had disappeared recently had returned faintly across his nose and cheeks.

He had the duvet pushed down so it was lay absently around his waist, revealing his tan skin and toned abs. One of his arms was folded underneath his head, face pressed into it, whilst the other lay across the bed from where Lyla had wriggled out from his grasp when she woke up to use the bathroom before returning to the bed.

Lyla had always believed that Charles was an angel sent from heaven to live as a human.

Why did she think this?

Well, firstly, he seemed way to perfect to just be your everyday human - no one is made like Charles LeClerc is and even if he wasn't an angel he was definitely written by a woman.

Secondly, he looked pretty much the spit of Jules Bianchi - Lyla would admit it had always scared her slightly with how similar the godfather and godson were to each other in their physical appearances despite not being blood related.

Thirdly, if he were an angel he was put here on earth to achieve something...

That something could be doing what fate decided Jules wouldn't be able to do. It could be bringing Ferrari back from its dying era to its domination one like Michael Schumacher. It could be to become the next Michael Schumacher or Lewis Hamilton.

Her latest idea to this theory was that he was put on earth as her guardian angel.

Long shot.

But, Charles always seemed to suddenly pop up when he knew she was getting into trouble during her teenage years.

The amount of times he had randomly appeared on the Accardi's doorstep just moments after Lyla had returned home in a state was to many to call it a coincidence like he claimed...

"Morning, amour."

She was dragged from her thoughts by that sleep heavy morning voice she adored. Pulling her attention back to him only to have her lips pull into a smile at the sight before her.

"Morning , sunshine." She whispers back.

She rolled onto her back, tucking her knotted hair behind her ear as Charles shuffled up to cuddle into her side. Her fingers immediately began to travel through his hair, his arm re-wrapping itself around her torso and drawing shapes on the exposed skin on her hip from where he had lifted her shirt - making sure to stick his gaze to the spot. The change of air around them was extremely noticeable to the both of them. Lyla found herself thinking back to the night before - more so the moment she had told him he was hers and only hers.

"What are you thinking about, amour?" Lyla asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Everything." Charles replies, trying to hide his face in her stomach.

"Everything?" She asks with a breathy laugh when he failed at hiding his face from the world.

"The grand prix, the team in itself, mama, my brothers, you, Jules, papa-" He lists off.

"The stress of it all?" She cuts his list of and he nods against her stomach.

She watches him yawn before frowning, pushing his hair right back from his forehead so she could lean her head over and see his face.

"Charles," her voice was laced with concern. "What time did you fall asleep last night?"

"I don't know." He admits.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because I didn't want to burden you with my issues."

Lyla's frown deepened at his words, adjusting how she was sat which made him turn onto his stomach so he could see her face. Charles bit his lip, immediately regretting his wording when he saw the look on her face and the concern and worry that flooded repeatedly through her eyes.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, voice breaking slightly.

"Hey, no no." Lyla shakes her head, hand cupping his face instantly. "Don't cry."

"I'm so fucked up." Charles mutters, unable to stop the tears. "I haven't even had a bad life yet I can't stop having panic attacks and fucking nightmares like a baby."

"Charles stop it." Lyla sits herself up properly, pulling his body up with hers.

He wrapped his arms around her torso, burying his head into the crook of her shoulder as she locked her arms around his neck, cheek leant against the side of his head, one hand rubbing his back and the other lacing through the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Your okay." She could feel her heart crumbling away after his words. "Your okay, let it out."

The way he sobbed and trembled was her final straw. Squeezing her eyes shut and biting on her bottom lip to stop herself from crying for him, it wasn't her place to cry - yes he might have been her best friend and she didn't like hearing him breaking down and saying those kinds of things but it wasn't her place to cry for him.

Right now, she was his tether to reality and it was her place to be the one to comfort him.

Not join him in his spiral of emotions and thoughts.

She came to the final thought that he must've not gotten many hours of sleep when he stilled and the crying stopped. Lyla leant her head down, wiping the tears from his cheeks when she saw that he had managed to cry himself to exhaustion in the last few minutes and was now completely passed out against her.

She held him close.

Worried that if she let go he would slip away.


Sorry not sorry😁

2 chapters in a day??
I felt bad about the cliff hanger.

Also, I am pure evil. I don't let Lyla or Charles have a break so join me on my rollercoaster of emotions!

It will get better, I promise. But I do like dragging it out because your comments about it are so funny for me to read.

I have just written some very fun chapters though🫢

Much love,
- Hollie :)

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