Rebirth, Chapter 17

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Climbing trees while it was pouring rain in the middle of the night was the worst. I'd rather be getting punched in my face over and over again than do this.

My feet and hands kept slipping down, the bark chipping, breaking and sliding right of the tree making it more slick when having to jump to another. This was to help teach me to get around the city on the rooftops and jump through them with ease in any weather type.

Thunder roared through the sky as lightning lit it up "don't you think I should I dunno get down?"

Having to yell down over the patting of the rain and thunder, "no keep going!"

Grumbling, getting to a thin branch I jumped to another tree, my cheek slamming into it, starting to slide down. My feet gripped the bark, my fingers dug in tight until I finally stopped. Sighing thankful that I did, till a hand hit my back.

I slid all the way to the bottom again. "Good job, You're dead. Get back up there and do it again."

Looking up in the trees, a little June sat on a branch smiling down at me kicking her feet in the air.

We were at this every night for weeks, not just tree jumping but hand to hand combat as well and how to use a bow and a ton of stamina work.

The swords would come later on after I got movements all down. We would sneak out of the bakery via that super locked door in the back of the bakery, it opened to a small room. A hatch was under a rug there that opened to a tunnel system that was actually right under the river way system.

Walking through the system at the very end was a gate still underground though when you opened it and followed the light up you'd end up in the middle of the forest outside the city walls at an abandoned smugglers campsite.

Whenever we left the tunnels I was to wear black leather armor that covered every inch of skin as well as a black cloth that covered my face. I was also to train and do everything with one eye. I was starting to get the hang of things, but the moment I got good at something he would change it up.

After a few hours being poured on in the trees I finally stayed up in the branches for as long as he wanted me too and we headed back.

Getting into the living room, I peeled off a soaked cloak and cloth mask, "Common Lil don't be dripping water everywhere." He said as he did the same as me.

My brow lifted and mouth twisted to a smirk, "you're one to talk."

I took my soggy self upstairs, hanging the wet clothes in the closet to dry before I'd put them hidden under one of the loose floorboards later on. Dragging myself into the bathroom to get cleaned up, and taking a boiling hot bath to warm my frozen bones.

It was the end of summer and it was still warm but the rain just always chilled me. After all that I went back down to get something to eat before I slept, it was way past midnight.

Watching outside the window of the kitchen I could now spot tiny shadows of men sprinting across the roofs. Since the night of the attack I have gotten to know a few of Rylands men, one of them being my own teacher Kent. Those who were there the night of the attack are sworn to secrecy of me knowing that I found out what Ryland was and who those men were.

So Evander would not find out, if he did he would take me away in a flash. Queen Amice did come down the next day after hearing about a rumor of me being attacked. I was in excruciating pain that day but held myself together pretending I was fine, and told her the bruises she could see on my face were from me falling down the stairs after tripping on Binx, she believed it but not fully.

I would find guards following me around the city and watching over me when I was out of the house. Em knew nothing at all, Ry and I pretended I was sick for a few days so I could get my pain to subside before going to see her. She bought the story of me tripping on Binx without question, knowing how he always rubs against my legs.

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