Chapter 50

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Tying off stems of different flowers to hang for drying was the absolute most annoying part of making medicines. Making them in a makeshift apothecary was even worse, or maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Poppy was here.

As I hung up some lavender waiting to be dried, someone knocked softly before letting themselves in. A maid holding a tray of tea and some bread said, "sorry to bother you Miss Lily but it seemed as though you didn't eat much this morning."

It was normal for them to hover and make sure I was eating, though very annoying. "Thank you, you can just set it down wherever."

Placing the tray at the table next to me, she stayed a bit longer watching me work before leaving. Finishing up what I was working on I poured myself a cup, bringing it to my lips but before swallowing the liquid. I could taste it on my lips, nightshade, they were trying to poison me, spitting it back out in the cup and putting it down.

Part of me wanted to chase after that maid and beat her face in, but the other part just had me staying in the room working. Crushing dried leaves up and mixing them with clays, I was still so angry about the nightshade that I didn't realize someone came in until she spoke.

"This kind of medical treatment always intrigued me, especially because those who did it could not actually heal."

Turning to the woman, she chose a very bad time to try and push jabs into me. Her brown hair I did recognize though, when it was bouncing around as she fucked Aiden. No hesitation I took the small knife closest to me, grabbing the back of her neck and putting it right through the bottom of her chin up her mouth. As her jaw opened I took her tongue and cut it out, she wasn't able to scream once.

Closing my eyes for a moment then opening them, she was untouched a few feet from me. It was all just in my head, though I wanted to carve into her so badly even if it meant my arrest and own death for harming a royal.

"This way is much more rewarding since it takes more time and care. Also creating closer connections to the people you help."

Trying my hardest to be pleasant to her, she picked up a flower twirling it in her fingers. Binx put himself between her and me, more for her safety than mine probably. "And have you made close connections to people?"

She was probably being nice but my mind was turning her words into her trying to insult me, "yes, I have. If I didn't, this room in the castle would not exist."

Slowly moving around the room towards me while touching different items, "I see you have a connection to Aiden as well?"

Continuing to keep my hands busy so I didn't squeeze her neck with them, "yes, we've known eachother since we were kids."

"Oh, Of course you have. It's so nice of the royal family to help those in need."

Holy fuck I was gonna kill her. "Yes, so very nice of them. Would you like some tea?"

Turning to the tea set the maid brought me earlier, started to pour another cup of it, "the maid brought it to me not that long ago so it is still warm, and I just haven't been in the mood for it. I'd hate for it to go to waste."

Her eyes darted between the pot and me, she looked actually nervous, "oh no thank you, they made that for you, you should drink it."

Now I was suspicious, so I poured another cup for myself. "There's more than enough for both of us."

I handed her the small tea cup not allowing her to say no, and I took a tiny sip from mine but acted as if it was bigger. Knowing it really would not affect me at all other than maybe feel sick later.

Watching me, she seemed a bit confused and somewhat annoyed. The same maid walked in as the girl took a sip. She was fine at first until her pupils dilated fully then dropped to the floor.

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