Chapter 56

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Faron tried with the stones again, even putting one in my chest though nothing worked. He continued to re-carve my face and arms and legs in symbols.

After so many more days of trying repeatedly he was finally done with me, for now. They chained my hands and feet together behind my back then locked me in a metal box that was filled with frozen water, chunks of ice bumped around the water. The box was solid except for at only my eye level were bars so I could somewhat breathe and see.

After a day or so being in the box and getting hyperthermia they had a pyromancer come in and heat it to a near boil. Then someone came and froze it shortly after.

I felt like an eternity passed, locked in the container. Especially when no one had came back into the room. To keep some track of time and sanity I counted the stars at the ceiling that I could still see.

I didn't notice anyone came in until the container was lifting up, and the men brought me out of the room. Sloshing around the filthy water as I was carried. No one spoke at all. I kept moving around I could not even see the ceiling or the rooms I was going into.

The box was then turned up right being placed on the ground, I sunk straight down to the bottom. The door opened and I fell right out to a tiled ground on my knees and chin, with my arms still chained behind my back, water flooded on the floor.

Something soft and almost web-like rubbed under my face, looking up to see Binx staring back at me in his big shadowy cat form.

"Unchain her now." There was a crack, groan, then a thud, like someone was just silently killed. Looking past my familiar was Kade, the entire room swirling in shadow men holding Sutara people by the heads waiting to twist them off.

So many others already laid on the floor lifeless the tiles of the ground looked like they were mopped with blood. Evander went behind me and unchained me. I had not stood in weeks, well I guess it was actually months since it was the new year.

As I gazed up to Kade my head was yanked back exposing my throat, I felt a blade against my skin. As fast as the blade was there, black misty flames came plummeting towards me at Evander behind. I was let go as the King dropped behind me, I peeked behind. He was burnt badly but still alive.

Kade closed the distance between us putting his cloak around my naked body, and lifting me up like a child. He waved his hand and the shadows snapped the rest of their necks as we walked out of the main hall. I tried pushing off of him and wiggling around, though I didn't really move much at all.

He walked me out the front door being met with fresh winter air and a bright full moon. Tears streamed down my face, trying to take in my couple moments of freedom. Turning my head to the city, shadows flowed through the alleys and roads, people were crowded outside the gates watching us.

As he walked me through the crowd of people they tried reaching out to touch me, but he and Binx would not allow them by throwing shadows up to shield me. The people chanted 'Sotiras' softly at me as Kade paraded me through them.

My face turned into his chest as he took me into a carriage, laying me down on a bench and putting a blanket over me. I tried reaching for the door to maybe get myself to crawl out.

Kade's bare hand covered mine, "I don't think you are in a position to run away right now."

Looking up at him, we both made eye contact. His face was soft, comforting for only a moment until his lip turned up in a loathsome position. He looked out the window and waved his hand slightly, a massive bang went off after he did and the carriage took off. Binx laid right on the ground between Kade and I, licking my hand that hung down.

The moment we were out of the city he waved his hand again and we all were clouded in a dark mist. My body felt like it was spinning out of control, shutting my eyes as I got dizzy.

The door opened swiftly, "Do. Not. Touch. Her." Kade growled out in a low voice that shivered down my spine. I didn't even see who he was speaking to when he lifted me into his arms.

Head still spinning I kept my eyes closed, tears seeping through them. Free for barely an hour and already at my next prison.

The next thing my body touched was what felt like a cloud, sinking into a soft fluffy bed. Almost instantly I fell into a heavy sleep the moment I took a very deep chest rising breath like a weight was lifted off of me.

I hated Kade but I despise the Sutara even more. I followed and lived by their rules and ways. My entire life was consumed by them and now, I was nowhere near them. Now, I will destroy them for everyone's freedom and I will do it even if it means being on my enemies team.

I will never be afraid of them again. I will fight until my bitter end, not stopping until they and everyone that stands with them are eradicated from this fucking world.

I, Lily Ashford will become their new God and I will not give them quick deaths. Just as the Gods themselves do, I will not answer their prayers or pleas for mercy.

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