Chapter 52

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Within the week I kept to myself during the day, only going to my small work area then back up to bed. There were no more sit down dinners in the dining hall so I'd only eat in my room.

Aiden listened to Rylands command and stayed away from me, Binx still did not come back to me. At night I'd sneak out to Claeg to get my supplies, different kinds of powders and barrels. I brought them up to the tower and made something like a firework, creating a spark powder that when ignited would explode.

The pouches were small and even with a ton of them on the crystal they wouldn't do anything, which was fine they were there so they'd light the barrels filled with chunks of iron ore, silver and oil.

Claeg had men help me bring the barrels in and set them up. Those same men went to the ground floor with me, using their only bit of essentia saved up they made the bottom of the tower's earth point up into massive spikes. It took all week for them to do so, the crystal bothered them the closer they got to it. After they were done they demanded and begged to never go back in again.

My thought was if the explosions didn't work, the crystal would at least hopefully get loose from the tower walls and then land on the spikes and break. My hope was the crystal was being held by the tower itself and not weirdly floating and stuck in air.

I really wanted the crystal to break in the air so that way I could still come down the tower and look through the Sutara catacombs more. To keep people out of the tower I created a poison gas along with something that would ignite the bombs. Just in case anyone did still go in like I did. If someone else set off the barrels everyone would be able to hear it and hopefully I'd be able to still get to the dungeons fast enough.

After getting the tower set up, I snuck into the gardens at night but not to go to the dungeons instead to figure out more about that pond. Jumping right into it taking a deep massive breath I dove down. It wasn't as deep as I thought.

At the bottom there was a tunnel to the left which also was a short swim and very strong current the surface broke through. Popping up my head I was at the other end of Aidens tunnel.

"That's fuckin lucky." In the castle prints I had noticed a trail from the pond, and when you look down into the pond you can see ripples and bubbles moving on the bottom as if water is making its way in. The koi fish would also disappear now and then as well.

I was able to do it in one breath though many of these people might be too weak or tired to do so. But honestly it was the only thing I could find in the castle where they would be able to escape. Unless they jumped the walls and ran through the city which I guess was an option also.

The city was going to be an absolute mess, and there was no way of knowing if people were going to react just as badly as they did when they lost their abilities.

Sneaking down into the dungeons, Hudson was still in the same cage but his face and eyes seemed more broken.

Sutara were inside the room dragging people in and out of that back room, when the door opened there was screams of torture and booming roars.

Waiting for the guards to go into the room I squeezed into the room getting to Hudson, "you're back?"

He was weak and tired. "Yes, and I am going to get you all out of here, you need to listen to me though Hudson and spread the word quietly to everyone else."

He looked at me with hopeless eyes, "tomorrow night I am destroying the crystal. When it is done I am coming down here to lead everyone out. Right out where I came in from is a tunnel and at the end, a ladder which everyone is gonna have to get up. They will be coming out of a well and right outside the well there's a pond. At the bottom of the pond there's an entrance to an underground river leading right outside the city walls. That is the only way I know how to get them out, if they don't want to go that way then they have to find a different way out. It's the best I can do."

His eyes started to light up "you really did figure it out." Nodding, I still doubted any of it would work but I did not tell him instead just let him have hope.

"I will be down here in minutes after the explosion, if I am not then you need to get everyone to break out their cages. You are more powerful than the Sutara even if you feel weak."

There were others eavesdropping, and in seconds there were hush whispers filling the space. They all looked over to me, their faces so sunken in from hunger and eyes blacked from exhaustion or even being hit. A few started tearing up, the back door slammed open I crouched down so low trying to hide behind bars and people.

They were dragging a dead body, shit. "Trust in me, please." Was the last thing I said before slipping out to the tunnels hiding in the shadows as two of them dragged the body out to go into a room. Which made me think of something.

Squeezing into a crack in the walls, the two guards shuffled by me.

"I am getting so sick of these cunts dying right when we are about to get it right."

A door opened near me, bringing the body to a corpse filled room. I took a deep breath, turned, and went into the room. They were hoisting it up onto a mountain of bodies I slammed the door behind me hiding immediately.

"Did you not prop the door up you ass?" Crouch walking around piles of rotting maggot infested flesh, flies buzzing straight into my face, rats squeaking. I silently gagged repeatedly from the awful smell. One of the men went over to the door to get it open, the other kicked at bodies.

Taking out my knife coming behind the body kicker I swiftly sliced my blade across his neck holding his mouth tightly to muffle any sounds of gurgling and death. Dropping him I went back into hiding, "Rook? You good? The smell in here is horrific, common get up."

He walked over to his friend, kicking him then saw the blood and backed away. "Who's here?! Show yourself?"

Sneaking closer to the door, as the man walked around trying to see anything. He made his way quickly to the door as I jumped in his way, "you scream you die."

He was in total shock that he couldn't speak, falling down to his knees then placing his hands to the ground as if to be praising or bowing. I took that to my advantage and smashed my blade hard through the back of his skull, strangely going through quite easily.

After the man died I stripped them both of their clothes then put their bodies at the far end of the room. Taking the clothes with me as I left.

Everything is about to change, I'm going to have to cross all my fingers and toes hoping this is a good plan and will work out for the country.


For the people.

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