00: Prologue

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Ashton was pissed.

Actually, pissed was an understatement. He was beyond livid. The few whiskey sours he had downed weren't helping him either, as he stared holes at the back of the head of the man that was causing him to feel this way.

As if knowing that there were eyes on him, Ryker turned around. His gaze landed on Ashton immediately, and he passed him a smile.

What was he thinking smiling at Ashton? Was he being snarky? Was he shoving it in Ashton's face that everybody thought Ryker was better than him? Was he aware that Ashton hated his guts more than anything in the entire universe?

Ashton glared at him, causing Ryker to raise a questioning brow. Ashton said nothing as he looked away, before bringing his glass back up to his lips and taking another sip of the bitter liquid. It burned in his throat, but he liked it. He liked it because for those few seconds he could forget about Ryker.

They were at an award show. At the start of the night, Ashton was ecstatic. Obviously, since he was nominated for Best Actor of the Year. He was confident too, dressed in a designer tuxedo that he and his team picked out weeks ago. Of course, he had to look perfect when he walked up to the stage to receive his award.

Ryker Cohen was an old friend of his, someone he could no longer stand. Everything about Ryker pissed him off, which was why the fact that Ryker was nominated for the same award kept eating away at his head. But then again, Ashton knew he had this one in the bag. He was certain. Absolutely certain.

The first shock of the night was when Ashton saw Ryker walk down the red carpet with Maria, Ashton's ex-girlfriend. They had dated for a long two years, and had broken up merely two months ago. Ashton was over her, or at least that's what he thought. But that was probably not the case as he felt his blood boil at the sight of Ryker's arm around her waist and her perfectly manicured hand resting on Ryker's chest as they posed for pictures.

Ashton had to use all of his will power to look away, to face the photographers once again and put a smile on his face. Albeit a fake one. He could not be caught glaring at Ryker, especially since their feud was already public knowledge and this would only feed that. He wanted articles on him winning Best Actor, not more gossip columns on his rivalry with the other man.

The second event was when Ashton was at the bar, he just wanted to get a drink to take off the edge. But he could not have that peaceful moment as he was interrupted by the reason he wanted a drink in the first place.

"Ashton," Ryker greeted. Ashton tilted his head to face him, his lips pressed in a thin line as he looked the fellow actor up and down. But instead of saying anything back, he simply faced the bartender again. "Seriously? Ignoring me now? Is that not a bit childish? Even for you?"

"Even for me? What is that supposed to mean?" Ashton asked, once again looking at the other man.

"You know what I mean," Ryker stated, his tone casual. "This whole rivalry bullshit is childish but you just won't let it die."

"Maybe I'll let it go when you stop fucking all of my exes," Ashton retorted, passing Ryker a sarcastic smile. Ryker let out a chuckle, as he motioned for the bartender.

"Just a water, please," he said to the bartender before looking at Ashton again. "Is that what this is about now? I'll break up with Maria if that will make you feel better."

"Wow," Ashton scoffed. "That's it? You'll dump her just like that?"

"I'd do it for you."

There was something about the way that Ryker was looking at Ashton, as if he was staring right into his soul. He did not budge, his eyes did not shift even slightly from Ashton's, but other than that his face had zero emotion.

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