27: Confrontation

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Both Ryker and Maria were surprised to see Ashton just a few feet away from them, standing casually with his hands in the pockets of his pants. The panic on Ryker's face was evident, as if he was a kid caught with his hand inside a cookie jar. He took a step towards Ashton, about to say something but his co-actor beat him to the chase.

"Can I talk to Maria, please?" Ashton asked. "If you don't mind giving us a minute."

"Sure," Ryker's voice was hesitant, as he glanced between the other man and their ex-girlfriend, who looked just as perplexed by Ashton's request.

Ashton gave him a firm nod, and after a long stare, Ryker finally walked out, leaving Ashton and Maria alone. Ashton strolled towards Maria, taking in the vast garden that overlooked the balcony. The sound of the water flowing in the massive fountain and crickets chirping added to the awkwardness of the moment.

"Look, it really wasn't what it looked like," Maria was the first to speak up.

"What do you mean?" Ashton asked, sounding extremely cool and collected.

"We were just talking. Catching up. I hadn't seen him in so long and we ran into each other and—"

"Why do you feel the need to justify yourself to me?" Ashton cut her off. Maria frowned in confusion, making Ashton elaborate further. "You're rambling on as if I caught you both doing something that you shouldn't. Why would you do that? Unless you know you were in the wrong."

"We weren't doing anything, Ash, trust me," Maria said. "I really meant what I said to you the last time we met. I want to give us a shot. We had a great thing and... I just think we're right for each other."

"Is that so?" Ashton cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Maria nodded, keeping her palm on Ashton's arm. Ashton glanced between her hand and her face, before frowning.

"I always blamed Ryker," Ashton spoke softly. "I hated him so much that I never saw the full picture."

"What? What full picture?"

"You," Ashton answered. "Ryker and you. I always put the entire blame on Ryker for taking you away. But that's... you're not a toy or something that he can just steal. You're a human being who's smart and capable enough to make her own decisions. And you chose to be with him after we broke up."


"And the fact is that Ryker didn't owe me shit. We weren't friends. We were nothing," Ashton spoke. "But you and I? I loved you, Maria. We only broke up because it was hard to make time for a relationship with our busy careers. And you knew everything. You knew how I felt about Ryker and why. Yet it hadn't even been a week after we parted ways and you started seeing him. Sure, we weren't together or exclusive but... but I just thought you would have enough respect for me not to pull a stunt like that."

"I—" Maria blinked, not having expected that Ashton would be calling her out like this. "I don't know..."

"I was so blinded by my hate for Ryker that I never saw your part in it. And the bottom line is that he didn't break my trust. He didn't have anything to break in the first place. But you did," Ashton finished.

"I'm sorry," Maria frowned again, her eyes starting to tear up. "We were kids."

"Nah, we were adults," Ashton sighed. "I'm done, Maria. I can't trust you again. Ever. I don't think we should be friends either."

"I respect that," Maria said, her voice low. "I fucked up, I know."

"I'm not holding any grudges. Frankly? I think I'm over it," Ashton shrugged nonchalantly. He was about to leave, when Maria stopped him.

Behind The LimelightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora