18: That Handsomely Treacherous Face

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"Ash?" Ryker whispered, one of his hands was still at the nape of Ashton's neck, and the other was beside him on the kitchen counter. He was essentially trapping his fellow actor in.

"What?" Ashton spoke.

Ashton was in a trance like state. Unable to think and unable to move. Ryker was too close to him now, so close that he could feel the heat radiating off Ryker's body. It was intoxicating, to say the least.

"You're staring, you know that, right?" Ryker asked with a hint of a smirk.

In any other scenario, Ashton would've pushed Ryker away or snapped at him for acting sly. He would've rolled his eyes or replied with an insult. But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to do this now. As if...as if he was afraid that if he responded in that way then Ryker would move. And Ashton did not want that.

"You're staring at me too," Ashton finally brought himself to say.

"About time you noticed that," Ryker said.

"Huh?" Ashton frowned innocently, unable to figure out what Ryker meant.

"For fuck's sake," Ryker sighed, moving his hand to Ashton's face instead as he caressed Ashton's jawline with his thumb. "I didn't know it was humanly possible to be this clueless."


"Yes, you dumbass. I'm talking about you," Ryker retorted. He couldn't help but smile at the confused expression that was still on Ashton's face.

"Fuck you, I'm not dumb," Ashton furrowed his brows. "You're dumb."

"Seriously? That's your comeback, now?" Ryker rose a challenging brow. "Come on, Ash, you can do better."

"You're making my hands itch, Ryker," Ashton muttered.

"Oh yeah?" Ryker whispered. "What are they itching to do?"

"Punch you. What else?" Ashton answered matter-of-factly.

"Damn, I'm scared," Ryker's tone was filled with sarcasm, making Ashton roll his eyes.

"You're too close. Your breath stinks," Ashton lied as he looked to the side, no longer facing Ryker.

"Okay. I'll move."

Ryker loosened his grip and was about to take a step back when Ashton instinctively grabbed his arm, keeping the other man in the same position. Ryker grinned devilishly as Ashton flushed pink, shocked at his own reflex.

Ryker moved closer as Ashton's hand travelling from the fellow actor's arm to his bicep, his eyes widening at the proximity that seemed to have increased by a huge margin. Every inch counted when one was this close.

Ryker placed his other hand on Ashton's waist. Ashton stopping him from moving away emboldened the dark haired man even further.

"You push me away then pull me closer," Ryker said, his voice lower and deeper than usual as he stared into Ashton's eyes. "What do you want from me, Ash?"

"I... I already told you what I want," Ashton answered softly.

"You say one thing but then act in a completely different way," Ryker said. "So I'm asking you one last time."


"What do you want, Ash? What do you want me to do?" Ryker spoke softly.

Ashton's breath was uneven, his heart rate off the charts as he stared at the man in front of him. He had never been this up close to Ryker, and he was only now noticing all the little things about the other man's face that he had never done before.

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