35: Outbursts

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"You better come back soon, you hear me?" Helena ordered, hugging Ashton tight. Ashton relaxed in her embrace as he nodded. "I'm not going to wait years to see you again. If you're not here for Thanksgiving and Christmas then I'm coming to L.A. and dragging you home by your ear."

"I'll be here, I swear," Ashton said, and he meant every word. All of his holidays in the last few years were spent at clubs and parties, and he'd much rather celebrate the festivities at home surrounded by people that he actually cared about.

"Good, good, honey you're going to squeeze the life out of him if you don't let go now," Jim said with a chuckle.

"Mind your own business, you old man," Helena huffed, but eventually let go. She then proceeded to threaten Ryker just the same.

It took a while to say all the goodbyes. Ashton exchanged numbers with Parker, he had a feeling they would end up being close friends someday. Abi made Ashton promise that he'd come to the wedding, and Ashton agreed in a heartbeat. Overall, it was an emotional morning, and by the time Ryker and Ashton left, he was a little drained.

Ashton was sad. When he came back to the town it was like stepping into a picture book. Full of memories, and now that he was leaving...it was just a sombre affair. He wished he could've stayed longer. But life didn't work like that.

On the other hand, as Ashton glanced at Ryker, it reminded him of what had changed during this trip. A change that he was taking back to L.A. He was content with that.

Ryker looked at Ashton, noticing that the other actor had been staring at him. Ryker passed him a small smile, before keeping his hand on Ashton's thigh, squeezing it reassuringly.

Ashton gulped as he looked down at Ryker's hand, which apparently the man had no intention of moving. Ashton was wearing jeans, yet it felt like the warmth of Ryker's touch was burning through the cloth and traveling inside his body.

"If you have other plans for Thanksgiving then you don't have to—"

"Are you kidding me? There's no way in hell that I'm missing out on the turkey that Jim makes," Ashton scoffed. "I don't care whether you're going to go or not, but I definitely will."

"Of course I'm going to be there too, who else would make the mashed potatoes?" Ryker said.

"I'll learn," Ashton shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sure you will," Ryker smirked. "You almost burnt the house down trying to make instant noodles."

"That was one time!" Ashton exclaimed. "And seven years back! When will you let it go?"

"Never," Ryker teased.

"Keep annoying me and the pillow is going to be back between us on the bed tonight," Ashton muttered, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Ryker furrowed his brows in confusion as he glanced at Ashton, who clearly hadn't realized what he had just implied. When Ryker didn't say anything for a solid minute, it finally hit Ashton. He turned to face Ryker, his cheeks a light shade of pink due to the embarassment.

"Not that I'm inviting myself over to your place," Ashton spoke. "Or calling you to mine. I mean, it's cool if you want to come over. I'm not— I'm not asking you to come to my bed. I'm not saying no either, but like, you know what? Just forget that I—"

"Ash," Ryker cut him off. "I'll need to take a detour if I have to drop you home first. So you should might as well just stay the night at mine."

"Oh," Ashton nodded. "Okay. Cool."

Ashton knew Ryker wouldn't have minded the detour. Or he could've simply asked his driver to pick him up from Ryker's house. It was just an excuse. A white lie. Both of them knew, but they still kept up the façade. It was easier that way.

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