03: Couples Counselling

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The rest of the reading was tense.

Something was off with both Ryker and Ashton, and the other people in the room could see it. They were both stiff, uneasy, and their heart just wasn't in it anymore. Everyone seemed to ignore the elephant in the room though, at least, until the reading was over.

Everybody was shaking hands and saying their goodbyes, but Erick asked Ryker and Ashton to stay behind. Ashton sighed, but nodded, he knew what this was going to be. He just hoped that it wasn't enough to get him fired already. That would not only be super embarassing, but it would absolutely destroy his ego and his career.

"Boys," Erick paused, exhaling deeply with a disappointed frown on his face. "I'm sure you know why I asked you both to stay."

"Might have a hint as to why," Ryker muttered. Erick nodded, looking between the two young actors before speaking up again.

"I know you both have a history. Or a present. Whatever. But let me be frank here, I do not give a single shit about you two hating each other. When you're on set, then you've got to work together. You both have a fair share of experience so I don't think I need to tell you how important it is for actors to have chemistry on-screen," Erick said.

"You don't," Ashton murmured, his voice nervous.

"I'm not here for tantrums. And I will not be happy if you both ruin this movie for me. I'm not letting this be a stain in my perfect twenty year career."

Well, you should've thought about that before hiring two actors that despise one another, Ashton said in his head.

"The shooting starts in two weeks. I don't how you're both going to do it, but I need you to work on whatever issues you have and learn how to keep them aside. Till the movie is shot and released and we all make bank and win awards, you two are best friends. After that, I don't give a flying fuck if you want to yell at or punch each other. But until then...best friends, am I clear?"

Ashton gulped. Erick's words brought flashbacks of the last time Ashton saw Ryker before today- the night of the award show. And how Ashton left him with his nose bleeding in the empty restroom.

Ashton was fully expecting backlash after that. He thought Ryker would at least go public, heck, he was even prepared for a lawsuit. The only person he told was his agent, Malcolm. Malcolm had been pissed, and was ready with his lawyer on speed dial just in case Ryker decided to pursue legal action. But he didn't.

Ryker didn't do anything, for that matter. Didn't retaliate in any way whatsoever. And only a few weeks after that incident, he announced that he was taking a break from acting. Then he went off to God knows where, though all the sources said he went travelling to different countries in Asia to 'find himself'. Whatever the fuck that meant.

No matter how much Ashton hated Ryker, that night was still his biggest regret. Not because he feared the consequences of his actions, but because he felt ashamed of them. He was not a violent person, not in the slightest. He had no idea what took over him and that made him punch the other man.

But whatever it was, Ashton hated himself for it.

Malcolm suggested, no, he insisted on going for therapy, but Ashton denied. He didn't want to open the can of worms that was his mind. He wanted to keep it sealed. To keep it locked deep inside and throw away the keys.

Erick looked at the men one last time, before muttering that he was late and walking out of the room.

Ashton and Ryker both stayed there, neither of them making a move or saying anything. They weren't even looking at each other, just staring into space.

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