24: Pink Pikachu Pyjamas

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"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, Ash," Tabitha sighed tiredly. "I'm not that dumb and neither are you. There's no point in lying to me."

"I'm not lying," Ashton lied. Again.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not going to say a word to anyone," Tabitha said. "Trust me, I know what it's like to be in your place. When Lee and I started dating... I was scared too. I felt so lonely. So terrified about what the people and media would say. I wouldn't wish that sort of fear upon anyone."

"There's nothing going on between Ryker and I," Ashton snapped, making Tabitha frown.

Ashton hated the look that she was giving him. It screamed of pity and it was the last thing that he needed.

"Ash, it's alright to be—"

"Please, just stop now," Ashton cut her off. "You don't know anything so please stop."

"Fine. Be that way," Tabitha replied. "I'm here if you need anything."

"Thanks, but I don't."

"All right," Tabitha spoke with a tight lipped smile.

"Yeah," Ashton whispered. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom."

Ashton didn't wait to hear anything else that Tabitha had to say, he quickly stood up and rushed to the restroom. He locked the door shut behind him, before going over to the sink and splashing some water on his face.

He looked up in the mirror, his face was completely red and his chest was falling up and down rapidly. Ashton pulled the collar of his shirt, feeling as if the piece of clothing was suffocating him. His throat was beginning to choke up as well, his knees and hands trembling. He had to rest his palms on the counter for support or else he was afraid that he would fall down.

Ashton took his phone out of his pocket, and with shaky hands he tried to find the contact of the one person he knew he could always count on. He put the phone against his ear, the caller tune seemed louder than usual and it felt like it was ringing right inside his head.


"I need help," Ashton mumbled, his voice weak.

"What's wrong, Ash?"

"I feel...I feel like I can't breathe," Ashton answered. "My throat and my chest and my head... it's all too much."

"Listen, Ash, where are you right now?"

"In the restroom," Ashton replied.

"Good, good. Take in deep breaths, okay? In and out," the man said. "Just focus on my voice, alright Ash? In and out. Slowly."

"Yeah. In and out," Ashton repeated, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, holding his breath in for a few seconds before exhaling.

Ashton remained silent, both of them did as he tried to get himself back in order. His head was beginning to pound too, he was still sweating too and his shirt was drenched, but at the very least he didn't feel like he was suffocating any longer.

"Tell me, what can you see?"

"Bright lights. It's too bright," Ashton said. "I see tiles. There's a... there's a trash can. A soap dispenser."

"Good. Now what can you hear?"

"There's a little ringing in my head. And voices. Outside. People talking."

"Keep taking deep breaths, you're going to be okay. Got that? You're going to be just fine. I'm in London right now or else I would've come to you. Are you on the set?" Malcolm asked.

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