33: Stash The 'Stache

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"What's all this?" Ashton asked, looking at the wide range of items on Ryker's bed.

"I've always wondered how you would look in a 'stache," Ryker hummed, grabbing the fake moustache and sticking it above Ashton's lips. "Alright, no. You look like a '70s Italian pornstar. Not the most ideal."

"You still haven't answered my  question," Ashton deadpanned, removing the moustache and throwing it back on the bed. "I didn't know it was Halloween."

"Don't you wanna go grab those cheeseburgers?" Ryker replied, still looking over at the things on his bed intently. There were a bunch of wigs, hats, fake beards and so on.

"Oh," Ashton blinked. They couldn't just walk into the diner. They would definitely get recognized, especially since it was common knowledge around town that both of them were from there. "Where'd you get this stuff, anyway?"

"Mamãe kept the box of props from my theatre days," Ryker shrugged nonchalantly. "How do you feel about going ginger?"

"I don't think—"

"Yeah, you're right. I don't think it'd go with your eyes," Ryker mumbled.

"My eyes? What?" Ashton sighed deeply. "I went out the other day in just a baseball cap and shades. It was fine and I didn't get spotted. You're overthinking this."


"We'll probably stand out more if we go out in cheap, high school theatre disguise. Like come on, this wig does not look real in the slightest. We'll look ridiculous," Ashton stated.

"Fine. Let's just wear sunglasses indoors like we're a pair of douche bags," Ryker muttered.

"Now the douche bag look would suit you a lot. You won't even have to do much to achieve it. You'll just have to...be yourself!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Ha, ha, you're hilarious," Ryker deadpanned. "Fine, then. If people recognize us then don't go around blaming me, okay?"

"Yeah whatever," Ashton shook his head dismissively. "I can deal with a few screaming fans. I've had years of practice."

"Fair. I'll go tell my parents we're heading out. Meet me at the door in five," Ryker ordered before leaving Ashton in their room.

Ashton sighed, glancing at the props on the bed once again before picking up the moustache. He stuck it on his face, taking his phone out of his pocket and opening the front camera.

"Huh," Ashton said to himself. "I definitely would've made a hot '70s Italian pornstar."


Dressed in loose t-shirts and shorts, as well as a hat and sunglasses, the two men took Helena's car to go to the diner. They tried to keep it casual, while also keeping their head low. Once inside, they grabbed the booth at the very corner of the small place.

Neither of them needed to see the menu, they already knew what they wanted to order, but they hid their faces behind it anyway. There weren't a lot of people in the diner, but they still had to be careful. After a few minutes passed, the waitress, a woman in her early fifties finally made her way to take their orders.

"What can I—" she paused, looking at both the men with furrowed brows. "I'll be damned! Ryker Cohen and Ashton Archer as I live and breathe."

"You're gonna have to be a bit quieter, Tina," Ryker chuckled nervously. "We're trying to keep it on the down low."

"Oh right, my bad," Tina grinned. "It's so good to see you both. It's been years! You know what? I never bought all that media bullshit about you two hating each other. You've always been so tight! I knew it, I just knew."

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