32: F*ck The Industry

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Fortunately, nobody seemed to recognize who Ashton was when he was out with Parker, his stupid excuse of a disguise actually worked. He was able to go in and out of the store, and have a good walk outside without having to worry about paparazzi or fans. It was a freeing experience, something Ashton didn't get to have much of.

Once they got back, everybody was in the living room chatting and watching the discovery channel. Ashton smiled. He knew where Ryker got his interests from.

Before he knew it, it was time for dinner. The table was lively, the conversation jovial. There were no snide remarks or harsh critiques like Ashton was used to with his own family. For a change, what he saw around him was actual care and love.

Ashton was home.

They stayed in the kitchen for a last glass of wine after dinner, before everyone started going to their respective rooms one by one. Helena and Jim were the first, followed by Abi. Ryker went up after that, leaving Parker and Ashton alone. Ashton had actually taken a liking to the other man and was having a good time talking to him.

It was around midnight when they parted ways. Ashton couldn't help but laugh as Parker complained about having to sleep away from Abi. After living together for years, he had gotten used to sleeping with his lover.

Ashton entered Ryker's room, opening and closing the door behind him as quietly as he could. He didn't know whether Ryker would already be asleep or not, but if that were the case then he didn't want to disturb him. Ashton frowned, a little surprised when he noticed that Ryker was sleeping on the floor.

He was fully expecting Ryker to be hogging the bed to get back at Ashton for doing the same earlier. But no. He was actually lying on the ground again. The bed was made up, and empty for Ashton to sleep on.

Ashton tip-toed to the bed, getting under the covers. He thought he would fall asleep instantly, but that wasn't the case at all. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind racing and going back to the conversation that he had with Parker just a few hours ago.

"You asleep?" Ashton asked, keeping how voice low enough so that if Ryker was indeed sleeping then he wouldn't wake up. But if he was awake then he'd hear him.

"Yes," Ryker answered. "I'm talking in my sleep right now."

Idiot, Ashton thought. But the words that left his lips were something completely different.

"Come up here," Ashton ordered.


"On the bed. You can come and sleep here," Ashton continued after a brief pause. "And please don't make any stupid joke about coming again."

"Are you sure?" Ryker questioned.

"About the joke or about letting you sleep next to me?"

"The latter," Ryker clarified.

"I'm sure."

Ryker stayed on the floor for a few more moments, not immediately jumping at the chance to get into the bed. As if he was worried that Ashton would tell him to go back. That he would say he wasn't serious.

"Are you coming or do I need to drag you here?"

Ryker finally got up. He made his way to the other side of the bed. Ashton could only see his silhouette at first, but as his eyes adjusted to the dark, he was able to make out Ryker's face under the dim glow of the moonlight that peaked in through the window.

Ryker slid into the bed, keeping a pillow in between the two. A part of Ashton was itching to remove it. However, he didn't. It was stupid. It was so fucking stupid and he was aware of it, but having the pillow create at least some form of boundary between them was the only thing that was keeping Ashton from internally combusting.

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