45: Just Two Bros In A Bathtub

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"I swear to God you both are the best co-actors I could ever ask for," Tabitha said as she hugged Ashton and Ryker. Her eyes were teary, and so were Ashton's. "I'm going to miss you."

"We'll be seeing plenty of each other, don't you worry," Ryker reassured, making Tabitha nod eagerly.

"We better or I'm throwing hands," Tabby threatened. "We're on for dinner next weekend too, right? Lee is excited to hang out with you guys again."

"Definitely," Ashton said with a smile.

It was a bittersweet day as they wrapped up the shoot. Champagne was popped, there was cake and laughs, and then finally the goodbyes. Ashton had never felt this emotional before with any of his other filming jobs, but this one held a special place in his heart.

It was evident how hard everything was hitting Ashton as he remained quiet throughout the entire car ride back to Ryker's. He didn't even complain when the other actor put on a podcast, which he then claimed was boring as he started playing one of Ashton's playlists instead. Ashton continued behaving indifferently, but Ryker didn't say anything about it until they reached his house.

Instead of a shower, Ryker insisted on taking a hot bath. Ashton didn't protest, and soon enough they were both in Ryker's massive bathtub with a wine glass in their hand. There was space for them to sit next to each other, but Ashton still sat between Ryker's legs, his back resting on the man's chest as Ryker wrapped his arms around the brunette.

"What's on your mind, baby? You've been so quiet," Ryker finally asked.

"It's nothing, it's stupid," Ashton mumbled.

"Talk to me, Ash. Don't shut down, please."

"Just a few months ago I was debating whether to accept this role or not. The last thing that I wanted to do was work alongside you but now...now I don't know what I'd do if I don't get to see you everyday," Ashton admitted, his voice low. "I just got you back and I don't want to lose you again."

"You won't lose me, Ash. I promise," Ryker replied.

"Don't make this promise, please," Ashton pleaded, sounding desparate. "Relationships between actors almost never work out. I'm— I'm scared, Ry."

"There was something that I wanted to talk to you about," Ryker stated. Ashton tilted his head so that he could glance at the other man. His eyebrows were furrowed, his expression both confused and anxious.

"What is it?"

"Remember how I told you that I came back for you and that I...that I didn't really miss acting while I was gone?" Ryker questioned.

"Yeah," Ashton whispered.

"Doing this movie...it made me realize that I was right. I thought being an actor was all I wanted in life but that isn't the case. I think I want to do something else now. Try out something new," Ryker said. "I don't think I'm cut out for this."

"But you're an amazing actor!" Ashton retorted.

"Maybe. And being in front of a camera is fun. Bringing a story to life feels...feels great. But all the other parts of this? Constantly being in the public eye? Ridiculous interviews that are scripted and the red carpet and the stupid events and just...all the fake niceties, I can't do that anymore. I'm already dreading the promotions for this but I know I'll be fine because I'll have you with me. But I just can't do it again," Ryker finished his rant.

"What are you going to do then?" Ashton asked.

He understood where Ryker was coming from. Being who they were didn't just mean acting on a set, it meant acting everywhere. Sometimes it made you lose touch with yourself. Ashton had grown into it, it was the only reality he knew. But the case wasn't the same with Ryker.

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