23: Liar Liar D*** On Fire

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The days kept passing by as the shooting progressed. Erick was pleasantly surprised by the sudden improvement in Ryker and Ashton's on-screen chemistry. Little did he or anyone know about what was going on behind closed doors.

"You're going to have to be quiet," Ryker whispered. Both of their jeans were pulled down as they stroked each other's erections in one of the closets at the set. "Unless you want someone to barge in and catch us in a compromising position."

"I am," Ashton mumbled. "You're the one who needs to tone it down."

"I wasn't the one who was just moaning 'Oh Ryker. Fuck yes Ryker. Keep doing that Ryker'," the dark-haired man taunted, trying to mimick the fellow actor and making Ashton narrow his eyes at him.

"I do not sound like that!" Ashton argued. "Also, gross. I wasn't saying all this. Get your ears checked."

"Liar liar pants on fire," Ryker grinned.

"I'll light your dick on fire if you don't shut the fuck up," Ashton grunted.

"Nah you won't, you like my dick too much to do that," Ryker retorted.

"I think I can make do just fine without it," Ashton said.

"Oh, really?" Ryker smirked, leaning closer towards Ashton, who had his back against the wall.

Ryker grabbed Ashton's hands, first the one that was touching his dick, and then the other before bringing them up over Ashton's head. Ashton's eyes widened slightly in surprise as Ryker held the base of his own erection, pressing it against Ashton's.

"You don't like how this feels?" Ryker questioned, his tone low as he grinded both their dicks together.

"No?" Ashton tried to lie, but the hesitation in his voice was clearly evident. His attempts at trying to fool Ryker always seemed to fail.

"No? Okay," Ryker said as he let go of his hard-on, bringing his hand to Ashton's face instead. He ran his thumb across Ashton's lower lip as he spoke. "You know, there are other places where my dick can make you feel good. Really good."

"Where— where is that?"

Ashton knew exactly where that was. Of course, he did. What he didn't know was why he was playing along with Ryker. He was so incredibly turned on, and the way that Ryker was staring at him with hooded eyes and a teasing smile wasn't helping at all. He wanted to wipe that sly look off of his face, he just didn't know whether his choice of action to accomplish that would be punching Ryker or kissing him.

Probably the latter.

Ryker let go of Ashton's hands, keeping them on his waist to turn the man around. Ashton's cheek was pressed against the wall, and he could feel Ryker's hot breath behind his neck. Ryker moved his hands to the side of Ashton's hips, before one of them trailed to grab his ass.

One single finger traced along his line, making Ashton's breath hitch. Ryker kissed the back of Ashton's ear, and then started trailing kisses down his neck to his shoulder. Ryker's dick was touching his bare ass, just the feeling of the hot flesh against him was enough to send a chill down Ashton's spine.

"I can tell you—" Ryker paused, "—or I can show you."

"Ryker..." Ashton whispered, his voice weak and uncertain. "I'm not— not for that. I'm not ready."

Ryker immediately took a step back, creating enough distance so that Ashton could turn around to face him again. Once he did, Ryker leaned forward to kiss him. The kiss was soft, not full of hunger and lust like their usual ones. This was passionate, yet tender.

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