Chapter two - Orian

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Chapter Two


She was tiny.

This little petite fairy that barely reached his chest and shook so badly her teeth should be chattering was supposed to be his wife?

Covered head to toe in white silk drapes that held no real shape, like a white curtain wrapped around her obscuring everything. A head wrap and veil really completed the look given nobody had seen the Fae princesses outside of the castle that they knew of.

He had no idea what she could possibly look like beneath there. Maybe his twin was right and this was a ridiculous waste of time. Although, he supposed in comparison, himself and Nox were the lesser of two evils. Or four, given his brothers.

When push came to shove, the realms would be allied by marriage one way or another. Rejection wasn't an option. Denial wasn't an option.

Then again, Marcus Evergreen was not the kind of King you made deals with or accepted daughters from as brides. He was a psycho with pointed ears and several missing fucking screws.

Compared to home, this place felt like it was set back in the times of horse drawn carriages and people demanding to duel one another.

Knights and dragons that saved maidens from towers.

There was going to be some amount of culture shock when that veil came off and she saw what the Hell realm looked like. What it was like to share technologies between themselves and the beast realm.

Even leading her from the room, candles lit the halls that were nothing but white marble, not a bulb seen in sight.

The place felt like a goddamn mausoleum.

There was no warmth. No pictures or paintings on the walls, no sign of life despite the Fae claiming to be all about nature and green growth around them.

Not a single word had been shared between the pair, her fear perfuming the air with the scent of lilies and yet nothing more than whimpers and squeaks of sound had slipped her lips. She was scared of him, all of them, and with good reason.

Those females had probably been fed nightmare fuel about who was coming for them about the place they'd be sent to and what might happen.

Even with her eyes covered, it was clear Lilith knew this place like the back of her hand. She was directing him with the slightest of pressure at his hand until they came to a set of white ornate doors. Pushing inside first, he held the heavy wood out of her way, a slight frown on his face. Even her bedroom had no personality to it.

A pretty cage and nothing more really.

It was fucking depressing to look at.

Releasing her hand, Orian assumed the fairy would go about her business and find the things she wished to bring with her. Find her precious trinkets and pretty things to pack away, but she didn't.

Lilith stood right where he left her, hands clenched in her skirts so tight her knuckles were as white as the fabric.

Even the air in the room felt tense and it was just the pair of them. Was she scared he'd do something now the others weren't around? Worried he'd force her into something? Smart girl, keeping her guard up.

Unable to just stand there in silence while her fear perfumed the air around them in a cloud of lemongrass, Orian caved first despite his loathing for small talk.

"I know this isn't what you want, but..." Nah, fuck that thought with a sledgehammer. Orian couldn't talk to females the way the others could. Like he cared or some shit.

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