Chapter Six - Orian

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"You said you were going for a smoke you mother fucker."

"I forgot my lighter."

"In this specific room? Couldn't have just asked somebody else for one?" Orian could only glower at him. "Oh c'mon little brother don't tell me you don't have the temptation to go in there and check on her." Lennox had always been the devil on his shoulder. Always pulling out the streak of temptation within him to do dumb shit.

As much as Orian tried to rationalise his feelings , it wasn't always as easy as flipping the switch. There was no sensible reason he wanted in there other than I wanted to.

That alone was entirely why the pair of them were now standing outside the door to the room that would be their own. With her.

She's mine. It doesn't matter where she is or who she's with.

I come first.

She'll learn that.

"Don't you want to make sure she's acclimating correctly to the new realm and her new life? Plus I remember saying that confirming if she was my mate as well would be on my terms. Walking in on her changing or in the shower feels like a solid plan to me."

His resolve was steadily cracking. "We're supposed to give her more than a day." But the argument was weak as shit and they both knew it. "Fine. But no touching her."

"I'm making no promises."

Orian grit his teeth. His hands itched to wrap around his twins throat and squeeze, just a little. Just enough to let him black out and come back.

Then do it again. Just because he could.

With his hand on the door handle, twisting slowly. There wasn't a noise. Not even a creek of the door as they eased it open to look inside. The bed was still made. The scent of flowery bubble bath in the air and a small fairy sound asleep on the windowsill taking in the muted moonlight that tried to cut through the heavy clouds outside.

"She's probably exhausted. A lot has been going on." Orian couldn't fathom what all that had happened in the Fae realm. He still couldn't think about the stitches too long or he'd find himself close to changing forms , close to searching out her father to lob the cunts head off his shoulders.

Apparently all his previous plans would be considered a war crime according to his father.

"She's so.. Small?" Did his brother expect a reply to that? "Her hair is all silky. There's so much of it." Already Lennox was reaching for the pale length of hair, damp ends touching the floor.

Engrossed in the scene, Orian came closer again. Her skin glowed porcelain. The little dots at her lips had gone entirely now. Not even bruising was left behind. He was so tempted to reach out and touch the delicate pointed ear he could see poking through the pale hair.

Sitting there, looking vulnerable and soft, she was even more beautiful. Part of him wanted her to wake up. To stare at those strange lilac coloured eyes again. See them turn huge and gauge the reaction she had to him. Both of them really.

"What are you waiting for? Shouldn't you go play knight in shining armour and lift her from here. Lay her on the bed. Whisper sweet nothings in her ear to wake her? A proper fairytale mating." Lennox made gagging noises as he loomed over Orian's shoulder to watch.

"Shut the fuck up for two minutes and just appreciate  the view , okay?" Orian pocketed the lip balm he brought. She wouldn't be needing it now. The lines of fear and panic were gone from her expression now. She looked peaceful curled up there.

Careful so he didn't wake her, Orian came to slide his arm under her curled legs , the other arm going around her back. Like before , there was next to no weight shifting her, the fairies head tucking against his shoulder with a light sigh.

In that one move, the scent of her filling his lungs and the warmth of her body against his, Orian's demon came roaring to the surface. His pupils turned thin, slits in the green. Scales ran up his arms like his body fluctuated in appearance, tendrils of mist wafting from his body.


His teeth sharpened in his mouth long enough to cut his lip, the sting of pain doing nothing to clear the screaming in his head that she belonged to him.
My fairy. Mine. Mine! Nobody touches her.

Cut off Lennox' hands and feed them to the dogs.

Eat the eyeballs of anyone who looks at her.

Mine. MINE!

Right. Okay. His thoughts were turning just a smidge concerning, not to mention repetitive.
"Move." Shouldering his twin from the way a little and heading to the bed to lay her back. Making her comfortable against the pillows , the pair both watched Lillith make herself more comfortable, unaware of either demon in her room.

"Either she has no sense of self preservation or she's dead asleep."

"Hurry the fuck up and get a look at her." He was itchy , having another male so close to her. Like he could lock her away in this room and keep her to himself. To teach her just what came with being mated to a demon as well as marrying one.

"How am I supposed to know if she doesn't open her eyes,  huh dipshit?"

"They're purple."

"What are?"

"Her eyes. They're this lilac, violent purple colour. Little threads of grey mixed in." His hand reached over, came back to wipe against his shirt and tried again, brushing the back of his knuckles down the side of her cheek.

"My my, you're in deep already, little brother. Balls deep if you prefer." Snickering at his own shitty joke that actually managed to bring a self deprecating smile from Orian himself.

"She sure is pretty though." Lennox leaned closer, his hand braced against the headboard and leaned in. "She smells like those lavender plants.." Ducking his head down a little more, Orian''s stomach clenched tight watching his twin press his nose against her hair and inhale deeply. 

Violence swirled in his gut.

Worry started to creep up and he knew his brother could see it when those yellow eyes met his own.

"Oh c'mon brother, you knew this was a possibility. We have shared everything since we were sired. Every single thing and you didn't think we'd share a mate? It's not like we haven't shared females before in one way or another."

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