Chapter four - Lillith

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Lillith ~

The first new thing Lilly had seen in years outside of the cage they were raised within and it was imprinted onto her brain , never to be forgotten.

Orian was just so... Huge.

Just what did demons eat to grow them such a size? The soldiers at home were always covered in the green armour of the Fae realm army,  but she could tell they weren't as muscled in the glimpses she had stolen.

Every time he took her hand and led her, Lilly's palms turned clammy, a whooshing filling her ears.

Goodbyes had been short and swift, Delilah the only one present.

It cramped her stomach to think of what would happen to Eve, unable to dwell on it for too long or the tears would start.

"Travelling through portals is a little different. You might be queasy, maybe lightheaded. I'll hold your hand through it – do not let go, understood?" Orian was staring down at her, she could practically feel it in the way the hairs on the back of her neck rose.  "Do not. You risk being pulled away from the path and who knows where you'd end up."

Lilly had thought she'd see fire in the realm jump. Maybe the devil himself, but there was nothing. Just darkness as they stepped forward through the glimmer.

The fairy felt her stomach drop, her surroundings warped and collided over the front of her veil, the jarring sensation making her throw up a little in her throat as everything merged together. Her body felt like it would be slingshot in all directions as she was squashed together at the same time.

Hell snapped into reality. From an overcast day in the Fae realm to a dark and stormy night into the world of demons. Thunder rumbled close by, the scent of rain in the air.

"I'll take you through the main house now. Let you get yourself a bit more .. situated I guess. Home isn't as luxurious as your place, but it's something."

His large hand enveloped hers, another settling at the small of her back making her wing twitch against the bindings of her dress.

"You'll want to change out of that curtain you're wearing and into something a bit more suited for living here I suppose. Mother said she'd take care of that shit."

A sizzle of awareness ran down her spine. Despite being covered by so many layers, Lilly's wing was amazingly sensitive.

Gods, she was two seconds away from turning into a sweating puddle already and it had been five seconds standing in place. Was it always so humid?

"I'll walk her up. Then me and the little fairy can have a lovely conversation about how you wet the bed until you were ten and don't like to eat your peas. He's a very fussy eater Lilly, I'd call it off now. I mean what if his cock doesnt wor– Hey! That's attached you know!"

The voice was cut off by a brief scuffle followed by what she can only assume was someone being punched in the throat and choking before Lilly felt arms suddenly scoop under her legs and lift.

A sound of alarm left her, her lips pressing together without thinking about it. There was nothing there that would hurt now.

Orian's warmth was becoming something she was familiarising herself with as Lilly scrambled for purchase to loop around his neck as best as she could reach.

Her cheeks flushed beneath her veil. Demons certainly liked to get physical with one another. Clinging so close to him, the fairy could catch the faintest whiff of mint leaves coming off Orian. Maybe it was whatever soap he had used, but it was an ever so slight chill to her lungs in a realm on fire.

"Maybe it's best that I carry you instead. Easier than guiding you around. For your own safety of course. What if you fell. Broke a leg. Bone pops out, blood everywhere. Best not chance it." His voice was right by her ear. She felt it rumble through his chest, gentle and inviting.

"You two look adorable. It could be your wedding night already, I love it. Mother will be delighted to see you're getting along.  Also, not to burst this little bubble, but is there a reason I'm still carrying her stuff?"

"Rune, I suggest closing your ever waffling mouth like a good little boy. Dorian is coming to collect us." Brim's voice, she recognised without a doubt. The bland , empty voice that had argued with her father. "Hopefully in a reasonable sized car."

"What's a car?" Lilly's voice was a mere whisper, just for Orian's ears only.

The Fae were far from idiots. They knew technology was out there, shared between the demons and beasts, but her father had forbidden it from entering their own realm. He wanted them all to exists like the Fae always had. Or maybe it was to keep others from gaining the upper hand and removing him from his oh so comfy seat on the throne.

"A mode of transport. The Fae are really behind in what the realms have to offer. Technologies, foods, travel. Fuck, you might even enjoy yourself here , fairy."

There was a brief moment of footsteps catching up, "And your betrothed have cash coming out their ass, so feel free to ask for anything you want, Ms Sugarplum Fae. Better to be a spoiled princess than a boring one." Runes' cheerful tone was quickly becoming memorable with the sheer amount he liked to speak.

After several moments walking, Lilly was jostled a little before they stopped, odd noises whooshing past them before a squeal of something pulled up close. What sounded like a door, slid open.

"Your chauffeur has arrived, please give me five stars on Highway to Hell once I safely deliver you home." Another new person. How many demons were there? Lilith was losing count.

"Alright, in we go." More jostling as Orian crouched his big frame around her. It was funny, in a way. Lily felt as though she was a baby being cradled; he held on so carefully.

After a few moments, she could feel them moving. The others chatted away about something she wasn't paying attention to because her betrothed's hand was sitting rather high up on her thigh and she was more than aware of it.

"You could remove that now, if you like. Must be pretty hard to breathe under. I could crack the window down, let you see what the place looks like outside of the big house." His voice was low, more personal like he just wanted her to hear it and avoid a ribbing from his brother.

With trembling fingertips, Lilly mustered up her courage. To anyone else, she was just lifting some fabric from her face. To the fairy, she was lifting away something that had caged her for years, hidden her away but also protected her from others.

Little by little, her new surroundings came into view. Buildings and others rushed by from outside the window she was facing as she sat in Orian's lap. The cushy interior of a box vehicle and leather seats in three rows. The pair of them were right at the back row, alone.

"This is a car?" The fairy reached out to touch the doors, pushed the button that caused the window to go down and a breeze whipped against her face in a rush.

How wonderful! "It feels much faster than a carriage. What powers it?" Horses didn't run this fast.

"Magic. Everybody in the realm has something running through them, magic, power, whatever you would call it. Mix it with a little new world things and we can do anything." While she stared out the window, Orian's hand went to the little tie where her headrest tucked into her robe, tugging it free.

"You'll melt with all of this on. The heat won't feel so oppressive this way."

"Right. Okay." But the more he unwrapped it, the more Lilly was starting to feel curiously naked , as if just this one thing revealed everything about her.

The pressure released from her ears being pinned back so much, an ache starting behind them before her hair fell over her shoulders. White strands were being kicked up everywhere from the wind, smacking Orian in the face for a moment.

Heat rushed over her cheeks to the tips of pointed ears.

"I'm so sorry, he-here, I can hold it, it's fine." She was brushing the little shiny threads off his face, her fingers grazing stubble and scarred surfaces – not that she cared about his scar.

A secret part of her wanted to trace her fingertips over it just to see how he reacted. If it was sensitive or sore.

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