Chapter Nine - Orian

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She was nervous.

Worried no doubt too given the steady growing pile of petals that sprouted despite what he brushed from her shoulders. It was getting worse. Her moods were already affecting him, the need to comfort and protect her had Orian stapling his fingers against the table as food was passed around.

Fritz brought out a serious amount of snacks. To anyone else , it would almost look like a banquet , but when you had more than enough mouths to feed, it would put anyones eggs and bacon to shame. His own plate was piled high, the energy Orian burned through daily more than the average demon given his sheer size.

Lifting another bowl filled with a salad , he pushed it in front of his fairy to encourage her to eat more. She was too thin, too small, needing to eat far more than what she took but they'd work on that. "Try to have some more. Please." Avoiding her question smoothly.

Catalina would be arriving today too. Brim worked fast apparently, getting it sorted last night. Evidently, his brother had the decency to send for the best healer they knew because convincing Cat to make her merry way down here was no small feat.

Hell was never how everyone pictured it. Considered the Realm of Monsters more than anything, it was full of cities, stonework. Secret places and mysteries. Much less hellfire unless you were talking about the bar Rune and Erik ran in the city.

It was nothing like the Fae realm. They were stuck in perpetual history and hadn't moved forward in the slightest. Horses, carriages. Princesses in castles kept by bad males.

It was almost cliche.

"So Lilly honey, did you have a think last night about what you'd like for the ceremony? Flowers, decorations, all that fun stuff? I have tons of magaz– books, that is, for you to look at?"

Beside him, Lennox snorted a laugh. "You can say magazine mother, she'll learn what they are."

"I haven't had m-much time to-to go over things."

Orian's head tilted a little listening to her soft voice. The rasp was easing off the more she spoke, sounding more natural. Though he had to admit, the roughness made anything she said sexy as hell. She could say moist and he wouldn't mind it at all.

"Oh? Did you not have any peace last night to relax?" Irritation came right on the heels of his mothers question, he could almost sense the answer.

"I um, I had.. C-company."

His back teeth clenched, leaning back in his seat a bit to stare a hole in the side of Lennox' head. Rune , Erik and Dorian all fussed around for a moment before slapping notes down in front of Brim.

Obviously they'd been betting on if either Orian or Lennox would make it one night, but he didn't know what was worse. That his twin was up to shit, or that Brimstone was splitting the money to give their father as well.

Fuckers were all in on it.

"Then we can plan today after your check up! I'll bring everything down for you to look at and your sisters can see too! Oh it'll be so fun. I haven't been involved in a wedding since on my own."

"You had four."

"Hush!" Slapping Torin on the shoulder as others chuckled.

Finishing his breakfast in sullen silence as the girls talked about things involved ,

Orian didn't concern himself with it. All he needed to do was turn up right? He already had a ring. Did Lennox have a ring?

"You'll be alright left along with this insane woman?" Lennox was looking at Lillith who had a mouthful of grapes. "I can practically see the money signs in her eyes. It'll be all glamorous and fancy."

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