Chapter 6.5 - Lennox

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He wasn't like his twin.

Orian could run around all day any day and not have to feed his demon in the way Lennox did. He didn't feel the pull down deep in the empty hollow of his chest. He'd never wanted a mate. Never wanted to worry that nobody would want him. The anxiety of his mate eventually looking at him like he was used goods.

Everyday Nox had to feed his demon. Every day he gave away a little more of his blackened soul until he couldn't afford to care anymore. It was easier to have everyone else be the problem. Fire needed a spark to set it alight and for Nox, that was sex. Lust. The basic needs of a demon had to be met. Not everything could be fixed by going out and killing all around him.

And now, looking down at the sleeping fairy, there was a strange peacefulness overtaking him already. He hadn't even looked her in the eye to confirm it for them, but it was still there.

Swirling inside him. Burrowing deep into his chest.

The funny sensation he couldnt put a finger on or explain well enough. Like stepping into the light when being in the dark for so long it was all you knew.

A little voice inside his head asked what they would do if she thought he was dirty. Filthy and not in the enjoyable way.

"Nothing to worry in the looks department then. Though she could stand to put on a bit of weight." There was no missing the way her collarbones stood out a touch too much.

Her arms were thin, legs too from what he could see in the way the split on her robe went. His throat felt dry, knowing there was nothing under it. Nothing getting in their way if the pair of them wanted to see just how far the up that smooth skin went.

Lifting his hand to her cheekbone, the very tips of his fingers drifted along the curve and over to her ear as Valor took out the small tub he brought, twisting the cap off.

"What did you bring?" Lennox peered at his brothers hand. "Her lips don't look that bad. Or are you fishing for a reason to touch her?" He couldn't take the smirk off his face when Orian's hand paused so close to her mouth. Was his twin even aware of moving so close?

Orian was big even by demon standards, heavy handed at the best of times and yet right now he was being so careful like he was about to touch a newborn baby or some shit.

"I don't need an excuse." He quipped right back, concentration written all over his scarred face as he ran his fingertip over her lower lip slowly.  The salve turned her pale pink skin shiny and Lennox ran his tongue over his sharp teeth to tamper down wayward thoughts.

Though really, who could blame him. She was like waving a treat at a starving dog. A delicious little thing he could teach so much to. Take so much from.

"What do we do if we share her as a mate? Stick to the plan like before?" Exploring some himself, Lennox drew a line along the shell of her ear wandering up to the pointed tip. "She picks somebody every other night? Shared custody? How do–"

When he stroked over the adorable pointed edge, Lillith made a little noise in the back of her throat that had them both freezing to the spot. For a moment, Lennox glanced at Orian before looking down at her face again.

He'd already found a weak spot. The fairy's ears were sensitive.

"Do that again. Make her do that noise again."

Biting back the laugh in his throat , Nox leaned in closer to duck his head.

Instead of his fingertips, his mouth ran along the delicate curve of her ear , his teeth rasping just at the edge that had the fairy squirming in her sleep, disturbed by the touch.

That soft, breathy noise escaping her that went into his head and straight down to his cock. Fucking hell, if she sounded like that while asleep, what would it be like when she woke?

The scent of lavender grew the slightest bit stronger and Lennox watched in fascination as tiny white daisies bloomed to life in her glittery hair.

Stardust. That was the right colour. So blonde it was white with threads of glitter through it.

Twisting her body to lay more on her side, Nox found Lilith a mere inch from his own face. Her pale lashes were long, wonderfully curled at the end throwing shadows against her cheeks. Her breath tickled over his lips with every exhale and the scent of spring lifted into the air like a cloud around them.

She was luring him in and doing it while un-fucking-concious. When had he ever cared about that kind of shit? The most intimate he got with anybody was saying please when asking them to bend over.

"You're too close. She's going to wake up and fucking scream."

"Bother you, does it? Should I get closer, Orian?" His brother was so easy to prickle and Nox didn't have the self control it took not to poke the demon under the surface. "I don't think she'd mind. She's a princess after all. Don't they kiss princesses in the stories?" And gods above, he was tempted to.

It would be so easy to just close that tiny bit of space and feel how soft her lips were. All shiny and alluring. Her lower lip was the slightest bit puffier than the top.

Goddamn biteable really.

"What did it feel like? When she looked at you." Lennox stayed put, so close he was stealing every exhale from her to pull into his own lungs.

"Like a kick in the balls."

"You are poetic, Orian. Truly."

"It felt like everything stopped. Like I'd been wandering around in a grey world until she turned everything to colour. Big pretty eyes full of tears. She was terrified , Nox." His brother's voice lowered further if it was even possible, that warped tone that creeped in when the demon was close to the surface. "She didnt say it, but I know she thought I was going to rape her or something. Fear was stamped all over her face."

Lennox sharp teeth ached, body body thrumming to life with the need for violence. Nox was all for being rough in between the sheets, but you didn't put your hands on a female like that. Not one so tiny and breakable.

"Calm the fuck down before you wake her from the heat in here. The first thing shes going to see is you trying to assault her in her sleep."

"Oh yeah? And I bet I could convince her to let me do it more too." His voice turned biting as he sat up to glare at his brother.  "Oh Nox, yes, you're so much better than Orian! More, do it more!" 

The pair of them were whispering furiously at each other, childishly mocking with their insults. The closer Orian came, the closer Nox did until they were almost nose to nose in their argument, their tiny fae mate wedged between the pair of them sound asleep.

"I swear to the gods, I'm going to kill you. Bury you in the sulphur patch. Mother will make good mulch out of you and I'll be in here with that fairy flat on her back screaming my name."

"You fucking wish I was that easy to kill. You'll be crying a goddamn river to Mother about sharing her and I'll be balls deep down her throat and she'll love it!"

"Excuse m-me.."

Neither of them were paying attention to the soft raspy voice that had entered their dispute.

"I hope she bites your cock off and spits it at you!"

"I hope she runs screaming  from your third fucking arm!"

"Excuse me?" Lilly  spoke a little louder this time to get their attention.

Both turned their gazes down to hers at the same time, the pair always moving in sync.

Just like Orian had said, Lennox felt everything in him turn silent.

The nagging burn in his body faded to a fizzle in his veins.

Nothing could hold him still like those pretty violet eyes that were locked on his face right now.

A grin stretched over his face the longer he stared. "Hi wifey."

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