Chapter Fifteen - Lillith / Lennox

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Being rushed into the house, Lilly was passed by several soldiers that were barrelling past her at different phases of pulling on armour or fixing weapons to their belts. They all wore the same grim expression, all readying themselves to go to war and fight whatever was coming through the portal.

Anxiety twisted through her, making her fingertips tremble as Lilly brought her thumb to her mouth and bit into her nail. How many had gotten through? Where?

Logically, she knew not everybody would be coming back from this. The demons that passed her by, not everybody would return.

This was a life on the edge. At any moment they could be called away to fight and that included the twins. Their brothers. Lilith swallowed tightly, trying to stay out of the way.

"Orian! Wear the fucking helmet, you're not going to loose the other eye."

Twisting her head around to see them, Lennox was now half dressed in a dark red armour that looked like it was made of the same demonic scales that rippled on his natural skin. Pointed at the ends – in comparison to the black snake design that ran over the chest and up his neck.

Orian caught the black helmet that was thrown his way, grumbling something Lillith couldn't hear before pushing the face guard over his eyes. Fascinated in the motion, little black scales this time put themselves together until it had formed a helmet around Orian's head and horns. The armour had created itself as if alive.

As they filtered out behind the main bulk of soldiers, Lilly threw herself in front of the pair before they passed quickly. "You'll be car-careful, won-won-wont you? Right?" 

"Don't worry fairy, we're due for a good fight. It's good for the pent up energy around the place. If I score more than Orian, you get to sleep in my room." Lennox grinned at her, ducking his head to steal another kiss before he had to jog ahead to help another.

Orian stared down at her , his green eyes shining through the black background. "We'll be careful. Promise. Stay in the house, Mother will keep you company. Try testing out that flower power of yours." He didn't kiss her again. Instead, his gloved hand touched her cheek gently, careful like even that might hurt her before he nodded to himself and followed the others.

Lilith's heart was in her throat as she watched them disappear , although they appeared a little more jovial as the door closed behind them with a final snick.

Really there was nothing to worry about.


They were seasoned demons that had experienced far worse than whatever they were facing, she was sure of it.

So why was the contents of her stomach threatening to come up her throat? Tiny thorns wormed their way through the frame of the door the longer Lilly stared at it, cutting into the wood.

She chewed her thumbnail so intently it cracked against her teeth.

Taking several calming breaths before the fairy spiralled into an anxiety attack at the thought of losing her husbands to be, she turned on her heel and scurried away from the large hallway. It was too quiet. Too empty in their departure even after just a few moments.

Taking herself upstairs, she ventured through halls that looked semi familiar. With the help of some staff that lingered, cleaning the floors that were trodden with boots over, she eventually found her way to the private quarters of the building where the queen was having tea by the fireplace.

"Lilly darling, how are you this morning? Have you had breakfast?"  Elowen glanced over at her only to double take. Did she look so bad already? "Oh honey, don't worry yourself so much. My boys are impeccably trained, they'll be completely fine. A little fighting , some bumps or scrapes and they'll come home, you'll see."

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