Chapter 3.5 - Orian

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Fucking hell she was pretty.

Even tearstained and bloodied, there was a wonderful glow that looked like it came from under her skin turning the pale surface luminous.

Again, his thumb ran over her puffy lower lip, pressing in a little and testing the softness. Cooped up in this place, the tiny fairy probably didn't have a notion about what was travelling through his mind right now. She would try to take off for that door again if he told her.

"You won't have to cover your face when we get to Hell. Or wear these robes." They covered her too much, like a white fucking curtain tied around her. "We'll figure out something else."

"What else..?"

The W dragged out in a little whistle between her abused lips like she had to concentrate on the sound. Was she stuttering because of her fear? He could assure her nothing was going to happen, but Orian doubted she would listen.

Too many thoughts that drove him to consider bending breakable things on her father piled into his head. The emotions bouncing around inside him didn't make sense, but he couldn't stop the avalanche.

You couldn't feel this strongly over someone from nothing more than a five minute meeting , you just couldn't. Mates took longer than that. At least he thought so.

Orian needed to talk to his mother. Already he was possessive of the purple eyed fairy. He wanted to wrap her up in the thin excuses for bedsheets and tuck her away.

About to answer, a knock at her door had his head whipping around to glare daggers at the door. "Wait here."

Lifting himself from the comfort of feeling her little frame beneath his, Orian headed for the door. If they'd sent some idiot guard to fetch him he was going to split the little fucker like watermelon and play with his spleen. Reaching for the door handle, he swung it open. Surely, they would—

The tension drained from him slightly. "Why are you here?"

His older brother Rune stood, clearly about to knock once more, a smirk on his face and a small robed figure beside him. Not the same dress as the other who spoke before.

Must be the youngest fairy. What was her name again?

She smelled different, more a mixture of flowery scents than Lily's faint lavender.

"This one wanted to see her sister off before we left. What's got your panties in a bunch, hm? You look like you're on the warpath. Did she turn you down already? Say your dick was too small?" The smile that bloomed on his brother's face looked like he would be delighted over the bit of gossip to take back with them.

"Oh fuck off with tha— Sorry, ignore my terrible manners, go on in." Motioning for the small figure to pass him. We're all fairies so petite? "— I want to have a few moments alone with their father. Just a few seconds to squeeze his scrawny little neck between my hands until I can just , pop his head like a mother fucking grape." Hissing, he twisted and mangled an imaginary brain between his hands while Rune watched on , irritatingly amused.

"Any particular reason for it? You just met and you're, what? Wanting to play hero?" Rune narrowed his eyes a little as he scrutinised Orian head to toe before leaning around him to look at the fairy.

His fairy and something about the glint in his ruby eyes had Orian's hackles rise.

"Shit, I take back the ugly bride comment now." The laugh that came out of Rune felt like nails down a chalkboard to Orian right now. "And I thought Lennox moved fast. Testing the merchandise before we take it home, were you?"

Orian glanced over his shoulder at Lily. She was sitting up on her bed, fixing at her dress and pulling her veil back into place to hide away from them.

Stab his eyes out and give them to her as a gift.

She's too pretty for him to look at. Brother or not, he wasn't safe from the irrational little voice in Orian's head either it seemed.

Part of the demon was just thankful for the need of violence than comforting a crying female. He knew how to kill and maim. Didn't have the first clue about shit like feelings.

Nox was going to have a fucking heart attack when he saw her.

Everyone knew how things could get when you endured the full strength of a mating call. He still felt it, like a punch to the solar plexus and all he had done was spend a few minutes in her company.

Orian wasn't irrational.

He wasn't like his impulsive twin. He tampered down and smothered emotions and reactions as best he could to think through it first. His oldest brother had taught them that after all.

You needed to think before you acted right? A respectable demon after all didn't go around mindlessly—

"Maybe I'll go and say hello to her for a second. She's real pretty Orian. I wonder if she—

He'd moved without even realising it, his body going into autopilot.

A hand snapped out without conscious thought and gripped the collar of his brother's shirt, throwing him into the wall hard enough to crack the plaster. Baring his fangs with a furious hiss, it took Orian's brain several moments to catch up with what had just transpired. Though the smug ass look on Runes face didn't help in trying to reign in the aggression.

Clearing his throat, Orian took a step back and fixed his brother's shirt. "I would apologise for that, but you're being a pain in my ass."

"Oh you like her. You like like her." Runes' grin only got bigger. "Wait until mother hears about this. She's going to have a party. Streamers. Cake. She'll ugly cry." He reached for Orian's cheeks, pinching them. "Her pwecious wittle boy is growing up—"

"Fuck off." Orian slapped Runes hands until he let go. "You're not opening your mouth to anybody until we get back and I talk my idiotic other half. I just, I have it under control. It's fine. Everything's fine." Except for the tightness in his chest, the anger brewing just beneath the surface and the need to wrap her in cotton wool and disappear to have his way with her that he felt growing every moment.

Everything was fine.

Gritting his teeth together sharply, Orian didn't want to leave without at least feeling like Lilith had gotten a touch of retribution, a gift he could give her.

Maybe he could accidentally on purpose kick her father in the face repeatedly and say he tripped.

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