Chapter 5.5 - Lillith

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"What the actual fuck!"

Whipping her head to the side, Lilly looked at the door to the right of her room where the sudden yell had come from. She wasn't alone on this floor then.

Gripping her robes skirts a little tighter in her hands, the fairy stood where the Queen had left her. In the middle of a grand room that looked nothing like the box she lived in at home, Lilly felt entirely out of place.

Everything here was lavish. Filled with colours and life, not the stark emptiness she was so used to. Pretty dresses were displayed in the closet for her to choose from rather than wear the heavy robes she currently had on. Something more fitting for the hot weather no doubt.

The Queen had explained the black box contraption to be a TV that showed moving pictures. That she had a shower in the bathroom that didn't need to be filled with jugs of hot water, they just needed to turn a little knob and it would work.

So many new things to learn about but as she stood there, alone in this new odd place, Lilly felt her lip tremble. Nobody had been cruel to her. Nobody had said anything horrible or mocked her.

Even when she had stammered over a thank you to the old butler that let her know when dinner would come and how to call him through the little phone thing on the bedside table.

Lilith didn't want dinner, or new dresses, or to marry two strangers. She wanted her sisters. She wanted a quiet life , somewhere green and full of flowers.

Taking herself to look outside the huge arching window, there were no trees. No forests or plants. Just empty grounds and training areas where she could already make out soldiers going through practices together.

Turning away from the window and the chilling breeze it brought, Lilly wandered from the main bedroom into the huge bathroom. Gold and white marble from floor to ceiling, a huge clawfoot tub big enough for a horse. A glass box with the silver knobs the Queen had explained as a shower and other nessessities. Fluffy towel robes to match everything. Huge towels she could wrap herself in three times over.

A life of luxury indeed even if the males didn't think so.

Then again, she wouldn't be pampered for long. Not when they realised they had been given a dud fairy. The Fae took their energy from sunlight. They absorbed the warmth and radiance from it , powered their connection to nature and created beautiful things that bloomed in the light.

But not Lilly. Not really.

She had never been good at creating anything. While they had sunlight rationed inside the Evergreen castle, it hadn't particularly done anything for her. Genevieve was the one they looked at for that kind of power.

When their father wasn't watching, she would grow the prettiest flowers just to entertain Delilah and Lilly. Made medicinal herbs to heal aches and pains when punishments were dished out.

The best Lillith had made before was several weeds that never flowered or mere petals curling and withering in the same breath.

Feeling dejected in her thoughts, the fairy returned to the bedroom, to climb onto the huge bed, her mattress soft and bouncy. Far better quality than what she'd experienced before.

In one day , her entire life had been tipped on its head, but while she lived in fear of what could happen between the walls of their home, fear of the unknown felt entirely more threatening.

What was she supposed to expect from sharing a space with demons? Sharing a bed with them? Her cheeks flamed instantly.

Lilly was a disappointment to them no doubt in more than one way. She had no idea what people did between the sheets. Had zero experience in really participating.

On the horrible times her fathers drinking buddies would get a little too handsy, they never did more than drunkenly fondle with rough and unkind hands. Gods, hopefully they wouldn't force it from her. She wouldn't survive such a thing if Orian's sheer size was anything to go by.

The knock at the door dragged the fairy from her spiralling thoughts, the scent of food wafting in to make her empty stomach gurgle loudly.

"Mistress, if you could open your door? I've brought you something to have while you relax. Her majesty said you have particular dietary requirements." Lilly was pulling the door open to watch the elderly butler inside as he pushed in a small cart full of goodies.

His pristine suit and perfectly combed back white hair really set the tone, light green horns that had been filed down from their sharpness atop his head.

Sliced fruits of several kinds, nuts , berries. Fae were vegetarian by nature but Lilly had never tasted several of the coloured fruits displayed. Their father had been very strict about keeping their waifish appearance.

"Thank you so much, Sir."



"Fritz, Mistress. I'm simply the butler, never a Sire of the house." Giving her a straight-backed bow, he left the room in as much flourish as he entered.

Okay then. Fritz evidently wasn't interested in having a friendship with her.

Her evening went by as fast. Sitting on the bed, eating until her stomach felt like it might burst. She indulged in a piping hot bath in the large tub until the fairy thought she might pass out and slip into the bubbly water.

Having climbed onto the windowsill rather than bed, Lilly had taken a plus cushion to cosy into and stare out into the gradually darkening sky as the drizzle had become a downpour. She adored the rain. The sound of droplets hitting the glass, pouring over the buildings outside lulling her in to doze.

The urge to push the dresser in front of the door lurked beneath the surface but she was just so tired.

Maybe in a moment.

Somebody would come to wake her soon enough. She could just close her eyes for a second, it would be fine.

Everything had crashed over the fairy like a wave, exhaustion that wrapped her up as cosy as the towel robe covering her small frame.

Just a little rest. That's all.

She would gather herself after that.

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