Chapter Three - Lillith

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Chapter Three.


Lilly was frozen to the spot as she stared up at the huge male.

Though huge was an understatement. The fairy had to fully tilt her face back to look up at him because he was so tall even against her 5ft3 height. Broad chest, broader shoulders and from the looks of how his clothes fit, all solid muscle.

She'd never seen a male like this before. Fae males tended to be a little more dainty. Smaller , slimmer , stealthy no doubt for a quick getaway if they needed it.

Her eyes roamed up his neck to his face, a curious turn over happening in the pit of her stomach. Was she going to vomit? Who knows.

The fear was clearly clogging her brain because there was no way she was considering him handsome, was she? This was seriously not the time.

Oh but he was.

Not in the conventional sense. Lilly might be a virgin, but she could appreciate a handsome male when she spied one.

The left side of his face was untouched, impeccable warm tan skin , a strong straight jaw with a slight touch of dark stubble there like he hasn't shaved in the last few days.

The right side however, was scarred as though a sharp clawed beast had slashed him from temple to chin.

The middle slice in particular cut through his black brow, sliced the eyelid and left his pupil broken, possibly even blind, splintered against the reptilian green of his stare. There was no other way to explain the colour of his eyes. It didn't remind her of anything else but something deadly.  Poisonous.


The angry scar moved down in a wicked curve, leaving its red harsh lines to cut into his top lip. Though it had mostly healed over though it still looked sore.

How much damage did a demon have to take before they scar?

His hair was dark. An inky black, short at the sides and longer on top with strands falling over his forehead and into his eyes as he watched her. On top of his head, there were two large twisting horns, curling away into the air to form menacing points.

Her fingers itched to touch the end , to see if it felt as sharp as it looked.

"Stay very still Lilith."

Her bubble of appreciating the view popped as he leaned down to unsheathe the knife strapped to his thigh.

Fear overrode common sense not to run when right in front of a predator. The fairy took off instantly, heading for the door. She didn't want to know what he intended to do with that weapon. Enough sharp things had been pointed in her face.

If he wasn't happy with how she looked, he could just— just leave couldn't he?

Breathing harshly in and out of her nose her fingertips grazed the door handle when a thick arm wrapped around her waist and plucked her off the floor like she was nothing more than a misbehaving child.

Making all the noise she could manage without outright tearing her stitches to scream, her muffled hums of panic kept coming , driving her to almost hyperventilate. Her feet kicked, arms flailed until she was thrown backwards.

"I said", Orian's larger frame covered hers, pressing her into the hard mattress of her bed and trapping her legs in her dress each side of his thigh, her hands trying to push at his chest and getting nowhere. It was like pressing into a brick wall.


The wheezing of her cries was painful in her lungs. "Stay. Still."

Again, the knife came to her face.

Tears so heavy they blurred her vision of him filled her eyes and fell down the sides of her cheeks leaving a wet path. Her teeth chattered; she was so consumed by her own imagination of what he could do to her.

Force onto her with nobody else around. The punishment he was about to dish out because she didn't look how he wanted.

Cold metal pressed against her now bleeding lower lip, dipping in enough that she felt it between the stitches and pulled back just enough to cut one free. Then the next. 

"There's a good girl. Just a few more."


For a moment, she stilled.

A curious sense of pleasure bloomed through her body at the praise, even if it was said in a distracted kind of way.

Nobody did that. Nobody said she was good or useful or even tried to compliment her. She was the useless one.

The defective little bug. 

Coming from his low almost intimate tone of voice, Lilly bit into the side of her gum to push away the cosy sensation.

More stitches cut free.

Dragging in a hard won lungful of air through the steady gap he was creating again, the concentration on his face was clear. Was he trying not to hurt her? It didn't matter if he did. Pain was a friend that came and went often enough between the walls of this place.

  A particular stitch stung so badly when it was cut she whimpered, earning a sharp look from him before going back to slice the rest.

She could do nothing but lay there and let him work.

Feeling the heat of his larger body gradually sink into hers, the fairy's hands stilled against his chest as Orian eased the threads from her mouth, taking care with the corners of her lips.

"There. I don't know what fairies do to heal. Slap a leaf on it or something?"

Her throat felt scratchy, voice rough as she managed to part aching lips to whisper at him. "You didn't hah-have to d-do that?" Her cheeks felt hot, already stumbling over her words. Anxiety made her stammer worse. Coupled with fear, it was surprising she could manage to get any words out at all really.

Her father detested the speech impediment. Called it a malfunction in her. Something broken.

Something he couldn't beat out despite trying.

He made her nervous with his scowl, her stomach pinched in an odd – though not unpleasant – way , just looking at him.

"And leave your mouth stitched closed?" His frown deepened, a line between his brows. Dropping the knife onto her sheets, Lilly kept herself perfectly still while the demon went over his handy work.

Orian's free hand touched the side of her face, his palm big enough to span her jaw and over her cheek when his thumb stroked over the little bloodied marks left behind.

"How else would you berate me when I'm a bad husband?" Green unusual eyes moved from her mouth to meet her own gaze. Was he teasing her? Trying to soothe her like before? Any moment now, he'd probably stab her with that knife.

That curious sensation curled in her stomach again. This wasnt normal. He was taking her away from her sisters. Forcing her into a marriage and gods knew what else.

Lilith should not, under any circumstances find this demon interesting. Absolutely not. She did not want to know what was going on behind those green eyes.

Her tongue darted out over the blood smudged and dry lips, an innocent move on her part, though Orian's pupils thinned into reptilian slits, following the movement.

Neither of them had moved yet. Her cheeks started to turn pink, the colour rising over the bridge of her nose.

She felt heat race up to the tips of her ears that were trapped beneath the rest of her cover that hid her hair.  Lilly had never been so close to another male like this before.

Well.  Not consensually before.

Sure, he threw her onto the bed, but at least it was with semi-decent intentions.

Swallowing hard against the nerves that had her fingertips trembling , the fairy didn't know what to do with herself. Did she move? Did she wriggle out from beneath him?

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