Redo? Update!

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Hey guys! It's me , hi, hello !

So bit of news so far!

Lilac has had maybe 80% of a writing adjustment, names have been changed, appearances have been altered, extra scenes have been introduced and the entirety of book 1 in the Sons of the Deveaux series comes out 24th of November!

This will be roughly a 500pg book! A chonky bebe~

For those of you who love the series, enjoy the beginnings of it so far: I'm going to begin reposting it entirely with all the changes so you can also get the full enjoyment from it! 

Lilac is my baby and I love seeing the reactions to it, but Lavender has more character depth, a bit more spice and some delicious drama from an enemy nobody has seen coming yet 👀

If you guys wana get a look at character art / scenery art and in general stay up to date with the fun, feel free to tag along on my Insta:: @ authorsarahmcc

If you have any questions fire them my way!

Lilac (1) Sons of the DeveauxWhere stories live. Discover now