Chapter 10.5 - Lillith

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"Is that all you've got? Stop pulling punches just because a lady is watching." Goading the soldier he sparred against, ducking as a swing came towards Nox's face. The redhead had shown her through the training facilities, the horse paddock, avoiding the dragons and their trail of destruction others were already rebuilding.

There was so much to the place despite it being a soldiers base. So many people around , some of which had nodded hellos at her and others had just stared for a long moment as if they hadn't seen a female before.

For now, Lilith stared down from where she leaned against a metal railing as the males below tried to gang up on Lennox, giving him three to one odds.

"You're going to get hurt and you know it."

"We pin you, and you have to do the next punishment Brim throws our way."

Two soldiers drifted to his sides while the other faced him head on. Lilly gripped the rail a little tighter as she watched, anticipation building in her. This was new. This was fun. Better than being stuck inside planning a wedding right now as well. The shawl Lilly covered with drooped down, her wing fluttering against her back gently, the sun spilling in through the window behind her and warming her back.

While Lillith's body absorbed the rays all the same, it didn't turn energy or power like her sisters. It simply warmed her skin and threw her gossamer thin wing into a rainbow reflection around her as her attention stayed locked on Lennox appraising his targets.

Marigold petals sprouted a burst of orange colour into her hair. Excitement brewing as a solider was outright tossed in his approach to the demon, Nox lifting him with ease as he lunged forward only to be slammed onto his back several foot away.

The smile on her face spread into a delighted grin, her lips still tender giving a slight ache.

"C'mon big man. Who's next?" His horns looked like the cracks within them glowed brighter, his red hair flickering at the ends as it took to fire. How fascinating that some demons wore their abilities on their sleeves so openly.

The next soldier came at him more carefully, engaging in hand to hand rather than outright attacking. Punches thrown fast, blows deflected and retaliated. Nox was amazingly adept at up close fighting. The second soldier stepped in, trying to sneak up at his back only to have Lennox go between the pair. How he kept both at bay, Lilith would never know. She could never learn something like that.

Every few moments, somebody got a blow in against his shoulder or stomach that was returned with twice the strength. A hand reached out to grab his shirt before the solider fell back, causing the black material to rip across Lennox' neck and shoulder.

"Oh come on man, I just put this fucking on!"

"Shit, sorry Len, my bad."

Lilly didn't mean to stare. Really. But her eyes were instantly drawn to the skin that was exposed. And oh so much more as Lennox grabbed the hem of his shirt and dragged it over his head.

Lilith's mouth dried instantly.

The last thing she expected to see was tattooed skin and there was a whole lot of it to appreciate. An intricately designed snake was tattooed up his left side , twisting and turning until it stopped as though the reptile had buried its fangs into his collarbone. Nothing had been above the neckline of his top or down his arms.  A smattering of demonic runes she didn't understand in a circle at his hip bone where a muscle cut V disappeared into his leathers. Three blacked out silhouettes of dragons across his ribcage taking flight. The more her eyes wandered, the more Lilly found herself growing flush. 

When he moved to toss the ruined material away, Lennox crossed a sliver of sunlight , the light cutting across his chest and throwing his hard muscles into definition. Somethin sparkled at her. Something small , making the fairy squint as she tried to see just what it was.

He had piercings. Like his eyebrow, both his nipples were pierced with small silver hoops.

Oh my.

As if summoned by her stare alone, the demon looked up at her and grinned. Her stomach twisted into a knot as the tips of her ears heated. Nobody looked at her like that.

"Are you oogling me, pretty flower?"

"Tha-that depends?"

"Oh?" He turned his body towards her as if giving her a better view face on. "On what?"

"Oh-o-on what ooo... ogling is?"

Nox's laugh was full of mischief. Was he flexing? The muscles of his stomach tightened subtly drawing her attention away from his eyes. Lilly found herself entirely too curious about how the male form suddenly felt like. How his muscles would feel if she pressed a hand against them. Solid? Spongy?

A series of flames flickered over his tan skin as Lennox rolled his shoulders, laughing. "Yeah, you're ogling alright. Wait until I tell Orian I got you hot and bothered again" Tossing her a wink that made her cheeks turn red , smacking her hands to hide the blush.

"You did nn-not!"

"Yeah you were. But I'll let it go since it blows up my ego." She  didn't reply to him, watching as he joined back into the spar with the others.

It took Lilly several moments to realise he was teasing her. Making fun of her a little. Something in her chest fluttered at the thought of it. Would they be like that? Even when they were married?

Lennox was quite the opposite to Orian. Chatty. Fun. Making jokes and pulling more attention to himself in comparison to his twin. Orian was quiet. Thoughtful before he did anything or said anything. Maybe a little withdrawn even.

Neither of them were what she had expected. What she had been told would be like. They weren't monsters who haunted her through a castle to do terrible things to her body. Or maybe the fairy just hadn't seen enough of the pairing. Going off first impressions had never been the smartest idea.

"Come on then, let's give the fairy a show. Maddox, come fight with me for real."

"Not a chance. You'll try to singe off my eyebrows or something for shits and giggles."

"I won't unless you try to pussy out." Lennox was egging them on. "Tell you what, the first person to put me down gets to head into the city for a day off."

"For fuck sake, you're just trying to show off."

The soldier Nox had called Maddox got to his feet from the ground , dusting off his leathers and stretching for a moment to get limber. "Don't feel sorry for him when he's knocked out, Ms Fairy. He's a sore looser."

"As if."

While the pair of them started to circle each other, others surrounded , creating a barrier like a ring. Lilly bit into her lower lip. Just how many did No expect to take on? The muscles on his back rippled , tiny flames of yellow and red flickering across his skin in patches, trailing down his arms until they filled his palms.

Maddox had stripped off his shirt as well though Lillith wasn't nearly as interested in that view even if the male was remarkably built.

The pair of them were trading jokes, making harmless insults before Nox breathed out in a long exhale, the faintest whiff of smoke escaping his mouth like he was decompressing before the attack.

The air grew tense as he focused on Maddox like the enemy. He was taking this little show seriously.  The hairs on the back of her neck began to stand in excitement.

Apparently Lilly had a thing for watching anything that meant males were stipping off and battling eachother. What a new thing to discover about herself.

"Where is she?!"

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