𝟹. 𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚜

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Esme awoke to an empty bed. She didn't remember much after Draco had carried her out of the dining room, she must have passed out.

She sat up slowly, still feeling the lingering effects of the curse on her bones.

"It never gets any easier." A voice spoke from the corner of the room.

Esme lifted her head, not even phased by it anymore. The person speaking couldn't have been more than 18. Thin body with black raggedy hair. "I know. I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?"

"Not strong enough to stay on this plane for too long. And you've been blocking me out." He answered, his arms crossed.

Esme scoffed. "I had to renew my runes. Everything has been coming after me yelling at me about my task. The shadows are angry." She slowly moved her legs over the edge of the bed, then noticing a few potion vials left on the nightstand. Draco must have left them.

"Well, most of the people you encounter have been killed by the Dark Lord himself and choose to haunt you."

"Yes, I know that quite well." She picked up one of the vials that she recognized as a pain relief potion. Popping open the cork, she downed it in one shot. "See where Draco went?"

"To get you breakfast. Snivellus went back to Hogwarts to cover for you."

Esme rolled her eyes at the hateful nickname she knew all too well. "Oi, Reg, no calling him that. He's doing the best he can."

The figure rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say. Draco's coming back soon. I need to go."

"But wai—and he's gone." She sighed as soon as he disappeared.

Draco walked into the room right after, a tray of a beautiful assortment of breakfast foods in his hands. "You won't believe how many elves I had to fight to get them to let me bring this to you myself." He remarked as he set the tray down on the bed beside her. "Were you talking to someone?"

She nodded, turning herself to cross her legs and face the tray of breakfast. "Reg. Haven't seen him in a while. Thanks for breakfast."

Draco laid down next to her, putting his arms behind his head. "No problem. Figured you'd still be hurting. Shadows can't heal you that quick."

She started with the pancakes, just picking bits of it off with her fingers and popping it in her mouth. "Guess we need to start figuring out Plan B."

"And how to fix that ruddy cabinet."

"That too. Still have to keep Potter off our trail. He has to be suspicious now since I distracted him."

"You seemed to enjoy that. Sure you don't secretly have feelings for Saint Potter?" Draco teased.

Esme pinched his leg. "You know that was long ago. We're on opposite sides. Plus, I'm with you now. Don't need anyone else."

Draco couldn't help the small smile that graced his lips. "Lié pour la vie. Isn't that the promise we made?"

She nodded, taking another piece of pancake into her mouth. "First year. Almost made an unbreakable vow over it." She quietly laughed over the memory. "But, Dray... you do know I don't expect anything romantic out of our marriage right?" She looked back at him. "If the Dark Lord wins, and we do have to marry... if you find someone else along the road, I'm not against it."

Draco reached a hand out, lacing their fingers together. "I wouldn't betray you like that. I'm not my father. Our marriage won't have to be one of romance. More of understanding."

𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘖𝘧 𝘚𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝄂︎ ☠︎︎ 𝄃︎ 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now