𝟷𝟻. 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚎

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Harry and Esme hadn't talked since. Esme roomed with Hermione, opposite beds of course. And Harry roomed with Ron, something that they were used to.

Hermione didn't have anything against Esme anymore. She saw how bad Esme was fighting to protect them.

Esme mainly sat at the table most hours of the day, flipping through Hermione's many books. Luckily she was great at tuning things out because Ron had the radio playing 24/7, listening to the witches and wizards they'd lost.

They all had to start sharing turns with the locket. They'd discovered that whoever bore the cursed necklace would have immense anger. Esme, who had been hiding her feelings since she was small, didn't have too much of a problem with it. But when she wore it for far too long, the others would know.

Little things would happen like the tent growing darker or pieces of furniture she was touching turning black from her darkness seeping into them. When they had noticed these things, they would promptly force her to take it off.

While Hermione was on watch, Harry and Ron both asleep, Esme sat by the radio. 'Severus Snape — newly appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts —' The radio glitched about, but that much was clear.

She ran a hand over her face. She knew something like this would happen. Severus was Voldemort's right hand. One of his most trusted.

Apparently Harry had woken up and heard it, then getting curious and opening the Marauders Map. He found the spot he knew to be Dumbledore's old office, finding Severus pacing back and forth.

Esme sighed, standing up. "Stop watching the map as if stalking my father will do anything to help." Esme muttered as she walked to the small kitchenette. "Hermione's scent isn't near the tent anymore. Go find her."

"Hermione. On a first name basis now, are you?" Harry's words bit at her as he stood, heading for the tent's exit.

Esme rolled her eyes. "Piss off, Potter."

"Fine." Harry said, promptly leaving the tent with no more words spoken.

Not long after, Ron woke up. He was looking more sickly every day. They all did their best to heal him and keep him well, but Esme knew it was more of a mental thing now. She knew why he actually listened to that radio so incessantly.

"Where's Harry and Mione?" He asked, sitting up and fixing his sling.

"Outside." Esme went ahead and poured another cup of tea. She still hated the weasel, and he hated her. But they were living together far too close and for far too long not to at least be cordial. "Should be coming back any minute now. Harry went to find her, i think she's at the bounds of the protection spell." She walked over the mug of tea to Ron, holding it out to him.

He took it, not bothering to thank her, not that she cared. "Alone a lot, aren't they?" Ron stood, walking over to the tent flap and leaving out of it.

Don't bloody remind me.


They'd decided to start traveling on foot. Harry was getting impatient and Ron still couldn't apparate. The roles seemed to reverse a bit. Esme and Ron became a bit closer, oddly. Harry and Hermione seemed to team up more often as well.

Ron and Esme would sit and listen to the radio for hours. Esme's runes began to fade, which meant she was at the mercy of the voices in her head once more. Add on an impending moon, and Esme was constantly on edge.

Ron sharing in her sorrows seemed to help. The two still absolutely hated each other's guts, but bonded over the fact that they strongly disliked seeing how close Harry and Hermione were.

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