𝟸𝟽. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚜

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After their reconciliation, Harry and Esme spent the next month repairing his parents old home in Godric's Hollow. Of course, they had the help of the Weasley Brigade and Hermione.

The house fixed up quite nicely. It catered to both Harry's more gryffindor tastes, and Esme's slytherin. They got to visit Harry's parent's grave more often, also having four more set in near them.

One for Remus, Dora, and Sirius. All next to James and Lily.

But also one for the baby they'd lost. The tombstone simply read,

Baby Potter
Lost But Not Gone

Hermione had been staying at the Burrow since the war, though Harry offered for her to stay at Grimmauld. But she insisted on staying with Ron, which Esme found amusing.

When the two finally moved in during late August, the announcement was made for students to return to Hogwarts. The school had been worked on endlessly since the end of the war, and was finally able to house students once more.

Harry and Esme both decided not to go back for their eighth year. Harry had already gotten many job opportunities, Chosen One privilege and all. Not like either of them needed to work, anyways. They had the Potter, Black, and Nephus fortune on their sides. They'd be set for life.

Teddy began to spend some nights at the Hollow with them. They wouldn't take him fully away from Andromeda for he was the last piece of Ted and Dora she had left. But they would babysit every now and again to give her some time away.

On one of the mornings, Esme was sitting at their small kitchen table, feet propped up onto the table as she leaned back in her chair and sorted through mail.

Most of it was fan mail for Harry along with some distasteful letters for Esme. She burnt most of it, finding much joy in watching it turn to ash in her fingers.

Harry walked in, the bouncing five month old blue haired baby in his arms as he had just woken up for the day. He was still in his onesie, a wolf one Esme had gotten him as a joke. "He does look quite cute in that onesie, you have to admit." Esme said as Harry entered the room.

"He looks cute in everything." Harry responded, walking over to her as she set her letters down, handing Teddy into her awaiting hands.

Esme took a moment to glance proudly at the scarred mark that now lined Harry's shoulder, only just peeking out behind the collar of his loose pajama shirt. Almost straight after they moved into Godric's Hollow, Esme finally marked him. Harry also made it a point to bite her too, renewing it every so often when it started to fade. "The amount of fanmail you get is appalling." She held the boy up by under his arms, letting him bounce up and down on her thigh.

Harry moved around the kitchen, gathering what he needed to make their godson his morning bottle. "How many have you burned this morning?"

"Twenty. And counting." She scoffed, moving Teddy to sit on her lap, his little feet kicking about as she gave him a letter to shred with his grubby hands. She picked up another letter, one with a seal from Hogwarts. "Looks like Minerva is trying to get us to come back to Hogwarts again."

Harry chuckled, finishing up making Teddy's bottle. "You think after saying no four times she'd get it." He walked back over, bottle in hand. He picked up Teddy from Esme's lap, taking the shredded letter from his hands as he sat down on a chair. Moving Teddy in a more comfortable position, he gave Teddy the bottle, the boy eagerly taking it and starting to drink.

Esme opened the letter, pulling out the familiar parchment and beginning to read. It was about halfway through that she paused with wide eyes. "Holy shit."

𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘖𝘧 𝘚𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝄂︎ ☠︎︎ 𝄃︎ 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now