𝟹𝟷. 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚒𝚎, 𝙿𝚊𝚍𝚜𝚒𝚎, 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚎, 𝙴𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚎

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Time passed by. James Severus grew bigger by the day. It must have been a Potter tradition, because James Severus looked exactly like Harry. Minus the eyes that he got from his grandmother.

He was definitely more of a Mummys boy, which Esme gladly accepted seeing as she carried the lad for nine months. Though, Harry did get his moments.

Esme would go into James' nursery many-a-night and find James fast asleep in Harry's arm as he was rocked back and forth. Just the sight of her son blissfully asleep in her husbands arms... suddenly made everything she went through worth it.

Due to the fact that Esme was no longer pregnant, she unfortunately had to resume her monthly transformations. Harry would stay home, watching over their son. Even though he truly wanted to be there for her.

Instead, Draco offered to attend the moons with her. He offered up an old cabin that the Malfoy family had in Scotland as a place for her transformations. It was secluded with plenty of wilderness to run around in. With Draco's Healing training, Esme would heal faster every moon.

Esme had taken to calling Baby James, Jamie, due to the fact that any time she said her son's name her father-in-law would appear ever so excited.

On Christmas of 2000, the Malfoy's held a Yule ball. A proper one filled with friends and family and joy.

With much convincing, Harry got Draco to invite the Weasleys and some of the Professors from Hogwarts. Actually, it was baby Jamie that did the most convincing. When Harry was talking to Draco about inviting them, every time Draco declined Jamie would give him the most hilarious angered look. When Draco was fed up with it, he gave in.

Draco was never really much of a children person. Astoria definitely was, but he wasn't. He still called Jamie it, mainly because it pissed Harry off.

But, that wasn't to say he didn't absolutely spoil the newest Potter heir. He proclaimed it was his 'godfatherly duty' to give the boy everything he wanted. Esme knew it was just Draco's way of showing affection. Afterall, half her jewelry box was gifted by Draco.

But now, the Potters were all at the newly redone Malfoy Manor. Draco had the entire place torn down and rebuilt from scratch. There were far to many horrible memories of the horrendous things that went on in that Manor that it wasn't even worth saving.

Esme was wearing simple dress robes for better access to feed Jamie. Currently, she was with some old Slytherin friends while Harry watched Jamie for a bit.

"Okay! Hand over my godson. I swear i'm going through withdrawls." Hermione complained as she held her arms out to Harry, who willingly passed the four month old over to his best friend.

"I swear, she likes your son better than you, Harry." Ron commented from beside him, sipping on a glass of firewhiskey.

"I like him just as much. Well, maybe a little more." Hermione tickled the boy's nose, making Jamie smile.

Esme nudged Draco's side as he stared at something in particular across the ballroom floor. That something, was Astoria dancing with little Teddy. "Oi, when you gonna get one of them?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

Draco snapped out of his Astoria-induced-trance and looked back to Esme. "One of—Oh bugger off."

Esme laughed. "Gotta carry on the Malfoy line, don't you? You act like you don't like children. But i've seen you with the kids at St Mungos. And Teddy. And even baby Jamie. You'd be an excellent father, Draco."

Draco sighed, crossing his arms as his gaze turned back to Astoria. "I just can't help but think i'd turn out like my father. With how i was raised..."

She pinched his side rather hard, making him yelp. "You were raised by Narcissa Black. Lucius just happened to be around. You are nothing like that man, you hear?"

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