Sal's Pizza-2

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Gina walked even closer to Daniel while he walked around trying to find network signal in the room but there was none. "Why is there no network here?" he said frustratingly.

"Because it's literally a police interrogation room and so no phones should disturb the interrogations. Don't you know? Aren't you like the Lieutenant?" Gina asked him.

"You're stressing out too much, baby love. Why don't I make you relax with my massage?" Gina offered him in a seductive tone. "Don't say no, now. Come one." she said as she pulled Daniel to make him sit on the chair and she started massaging his shoulders. 

"That's nice." he said awkwardly and then Gina started grazing her hands over his back making him jump out of his seat. "No I can't! I'm sorry Ms. Linetti but I can't do this." he said.

"Why not?" she asked him.

"Because I'm gay and engaged." he admitted. "YOU'RE WHAT NOW?!" Sam's voice spoke on the speakers inside the interrogation room and she turned off the reflective side of the two way glass revealing her standing there behind the observation window the whole time. She looked shocked and furious.


Sam walked furiously inside the interrogation room, unlocking the door so that Gina would them leave alone. "You're engaged?" she asked him.

"Yes." he said defeatedly. "When were you even gonna tell me this?" Sam asked.

"I was gonna tell you today itself but like more of in the evening at the restaurant." he said. "What happening at the restaurant?"

"You'll know." he said but Sam grabbed him by his collar and she gave him a threatening look. "Okay okay okay... Mum and Dad are meeting me at a restaurant and I was gonna take you there."

"You called them too?!" she exclaimed as she tightened her grip.

"Wait let me explain! I can explain!" he pleaded as she raised her fist.

"Then do. Now." she threatened them as she let him go from her grasp.

"Guys, we gotta use the room now." Terry said as a lady in formal wear stand behind him with a file.

"Nuh uh." Sam said angrily making Terry back up.


"You are scared to tell them cause they would hate you and won't accept you." Sam repeated as she tried to understand the situation as they sat now sat on the couch in the break room. "Yeah. They don't like the LGBTQs. They are conservative." 

"Obviously they won't. They wouldn't even want their daughter to be succeeding in higher ranks in future." Sam stated grumblingly. 

"They said that to you? Why did you never tell me about that?" he asked her. "Like it would've changed Dad's mindset." Sam answered. "Why do you think I moved out of that hell hole I thought was my home?" she said to him.

"Sam I needed a fi- oh you guys are talking. Without any fights. Like happy siblings." Nick said as he walked in the break room.

"I wouldn't call it being happy siblings if they start hiding things to each other." Sam commented.

"I said I'm sorry." Daniel whined. "It ain't gonna cut through, boy. But we have a more important crisis in hand right now." she said.

"What crisis?" Nick asked them making the two Cooper siblings huff out in tiredness.


"Where are you both? Yes, Mum I'm inside the restaurant. Not at Nola"s! You're supposed to come at Beggie's. Uh.. I changed the venue- just come quick. Yeah, bye." Daniel said on the call while Sam sat in front of him.

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