The Bet-1

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Sam and Nick were standing together next as they talked about planning a cute day-out for Marilyn at the park, it was then that they heard Jake and Charles conversation. "Charles, this is exciting. Medal of valor." Jake congratulated. "I know." Charles said with a nervous sigh. "For getting shot in the butt." Jake interrupted. Sam smacked the man behind the head to stop him from making that joke again. It was irritating them all by now.

"For exceptional acts of heroism or voluntary risk of personal safety. But, you know, six of one." Charles corrected him immediately. "Sammie, you aren't getting one are you?" Jake teased. "No cause Haimes had blindly fired it at me but I already have one." she said with a shrug.

"Why?" he asked dumbfounded. "I took a bullet for William, my boyfriend who wasn't my boyfriend then." she explained. "Wait, I wasn't call for the ceremony." Jake said hurt. "Yeah Sam, we didn't get an invite to show up for that." Charles said.

"I was in the hospital when they gave me that and I had Holt, Nick and Gina with me to celebrate later." she shrugged. "Ouch, you didn't forget us. You chose not to call us." Jake said acting hurt. "Bitch, didn't you listen? They handed me that in hospital?!" Sam clarified.

"This is one of the NYPD's highest honors. Today is your day, Detective Boyle." Holt said to help reduce Charles nervousness. Later, he was stood behind the stage platform as he waited to be called out. "Heroism can't be measured by a piece of metal. But what else can we do to recognize the brave officers that have put their lives on the line? It is my great honor to present the medal of valor to Detective Charles Boyle..." the high rank officer on the microphone announced and the detective walked in with a huge smile while everyone clapped. 

"... and Sergeant Peanut Butter." he completed his sentence and a brown horse walked on the stage making everyone in the audience clap even louder. Everyone in the squad saw Charles' expressions turn full of humility and anger Sam stifled a laugh while Nik tried to keep a straight face for Charles' sake. "Sam" he whispered in a warning tone but she couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, this is just funny." she said with a laugh. 

"Oh, my God. Charles is getting the same medal as a horse." they heard Jake say. "At least Boyle was announced first." Holt reasoned. "Because the horse outranks him." This is amazing." Jake said with a laugh and Sam joined in laughing even more. "That's enough, Peralta. This is a huge honor, and nothing can take that away from him." Holt said strictly. 

"The horse is pooping on the stage." Sam managed to say in between her laughs. "Sergeant peanut butter is pooping on the stage." Jake repeated loudly while both Holt and Nick shook their head in disappointment. 


Sam pulled out her bowl of popcorn from the microwave in the kitchen and quickly sat on Nick's desk, offering him some of the snack as they ate it together. They both saw Jake and Amy walk towards each other tauntingly. "Peralta." Amy said greeting. "Santiago." he responded.

"The bet ends today." the woman spoke. "Are you ready?" he asked. "I was born ready." she responded quickly. "-To lose? The whole question was, "are you ready to lose?" And you said you were born that way." Jake teased.

"Twist my words all you want." she said. "Okay." "I'm winning this bet." "No." Jake said with a shake of his head. "What bet? What are you guys talking about?" Hitchcock asked from next to Terry who was stuffing some popcorn into his mouth. 

"Seriously? The bet?" Sam asked in a duh-tone. "They've been keeping score all year. It comes up all the time." Nick said. "What are you even doing all day?" Sam wondered aloud. "Nothing. Why, you wanna hang out?" the older officer said with a sly smile making Sam cringe at his words.

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