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Summary: Where Taehyung is Jungkooks ex husband who left him for money. Now, Jungkook who was the most famous CEO of Korea saw Taehyung in worn out torn clothes, roaming on streets, homeless.


☆Exes to lovers

☆ Gay Love

☆True love

☆Angst and Fluff

☆Mention of disease.



Jungkook, everyone living in Seoul and undoubtedly in Korea knew about him. The most youngest CEO in the history of Electronic companies. A man who managed to earn the title of 'Elite' in just a couple of years in front of the world. But for him it was the essence of his 26 years hard work. In front of the eyes of the world he gained and just gained. Money. Fame. Turned his dreams into reality. It was all just in favour of him.

But, only his heart knew what it lost. Only his heart knows what he really had to lose to stand where he was right now. It wasn't just in his favour. It wasn't just written in his fate. He was the one who turned everything into his favour and wrote it all in the palms of his lines by sacrificing on many things. Many things.

Fame really felt good. But it felt like a curse when you didn't had sincere people surrounding you and being truly happy at your achievements. Jungkook went through that stage many times. Many times in his life. And now, he considered that as a result of desiring to be famous and having pockets filled with money, credit cards and most importantly black card.

He lost many things. Many important ones. Some of them included those things which were the sole reason of his smile, heart beats, breaths and the purpose why he got up from his bed every morning. People may not understand, but Jungkook’s heart? It had every sacrifice craved by small needles on it and that wound? It never healed. It was still open wide. It still burnt when the salt of memories got rubbed on it. It still hurt. It hurt to think of that sole reason even after all those years.

Jungkook was driving himself towards his company. The weather was a bit humid and black and grey colored clouds had covered the vast sky. There were tiny drops of smog and dew which was resulting in the windows of the car turning blurry. It was about to rain too hard. Jungkook could tell. He always hated weathers like these.

He loved rain but he hated storm. And rain? It always came with the possibility of storm, thunders and lightening. The young 17 year old Jungkook had always prayed to God to send Rain without storms and thunders, becuase certain someone was afraid of it. And from that time, the hate for storms and thunders became permanent. The flaming hate for them didn't stop even when that certain someone wasn't with him anymore.

Driving towards the direction he kept his eyes focused on the road. Suddenly, in the middle of his path a man walked from the other footpath and tried to cross the road in haste. As his eyes were focused on the other side of the road, he was unable to catch the sight of upcoming Jungkook’s car.

In the moment of running, Jungkook applied brakes and tried to stop his car at a safe distance from the boy, but unfortunately he failed to do so. Feeling his heart reaching at its throat his car hitted the knee of the boy, which resulted in the boy falling down on the road.

Jungkook’s eyes widened as he immediately took off his seat belt and got himself out of the car, running up to the boy with hurried yet careful steps as the road was already wet from the humidity. Reaching where the boy had fell, he crouched down with his hands making their way to hold the boy and make him get up on his feet.

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