His Vision

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" Son, you need to understand this- "

" Mom, it's enough. I don't want to continue this conversation anymore. " Jungkook said, and with furrowed brows, he hastily stood up on his feet, holding his cane. " I don't wanna date. I don't. Am happy with my work and handling my company affairs. I don't have time for this shit. " Blurting that out in rather stern voice, he went out of the living room.

Sitting in his car, his driver started driving him to his restaurant. Yes, he owned that, which was just another restaurant he owned in Seoul.

Jeon Jungkook; it wasn't a name in Seoul which people were unaware of. He was the heir of the most famous and elite family of Seoul, the only heir. There were many responsibilities which stood on his shoulder taking into account that tilte of the only heir, but one thing was which always stood as an obstacle in his pride in himself.

His blindness. He wasn't completely blind that he couldn't see things and there was only a black wall standing infront of him. He could see. He could make out the structure of a person standing infront of him. But, his sense of touch and the feel of it, was something that always had him diving deep into the heart of anyone infront of him and know about them.

People said that eyes never lie. The look in someone's eye and the ability of read it and recognize the emotion resting in them was something which was more superior and untouchable. If someone was capable of reading eyes perfectly and acknowledged whatever was written on someone's heart then it was when anyone could say that they have won in life.

But Jungkook? He could feel and read out things in heart by touch. A small  touch. He didn't know how he became able to predict something like that from such a small encounter, but it was something he was very proud of. The ability of his to know about the intention of someone through touch or the way the air got whenever he was in their company.

It wasn't like he hadn't dated. Or even tried to date. He did. Twice in his fourty two years of life. Once it was a girl, and when he sat himself infront of her, he had felt her eyes more on the expensive watch he was wearing than his face.

That's how sharp his senses were of feel and touch. The second time, his mother had made him go on a date with a boy. And, well, although Jungkook couldn't see how his expressions were as he wasn't able to clearly see the man. But, he was partly aware of the air turning into dark and suspicious, as the man was here for entirely wrong reasons.

His guards were outside. And as, the man got Jungkook busy in the small talk, Jungkook had felt his eyes lingering more on the diamond rings and his gold earrings, that he even heard the man gulping loudly while staring the sparkling expensive accessories. He was blind, but sometimes people seemed to forget that he could hear and he had a heart which worked just fine and could feel things.

His train of thoughts was ceased in the mid when a scent hit his senses and took a grasp of those in a way that he found his breath stopping for a second. Before he could prevent himself from falling too deeper in that scent, a hand brushed his, as someone placed the order.

An electric shock sparked over his knuckles, and even through the slight brush of hands, he found the warmth of the other seeping deep into his cores, and when it was no more over his hand, he found the person's touch still lingering over his skin.

" Sir, here is your order- "

" Who are you? " Jungkook asked instantly, cutting the man off in his tracks with his head looking straight and both of his hands pressed over the table.

" Wh- what, Sir? "

Jungkook nodded, looking straight where as the man stood at his right, at a distance which was enough to let Jungkook’s air getting filled with his scent and the distance sound of his heartbeat ringing in Jungkook’s ears. " Who are you? You aren't the one who serves me meal. "

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