You are mine [ Epilogue ]

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Five years later:

The stillness of the night swayed in the roast bedroom the corners of which shone with the dim light entering from the blinds of the room and falling right into the dark corners, slightly lightning up the furniture covered by the blanket of darkness.

There was no sound except the sound of the wind blowing outside, the unreal serenity of the night which almost reminded Jungkook of the calm before the storm, at least the winds brought up the disclaimer of the pending storm and for the first time Jungkook could say that it wasn't just in his head, it was real.

Spending years and years in the forgotten corners of his head, he had forgotten the feel of living outside the head. Outside his mind. Away from the sounds and voices in his head, feel his feet walking over the grounds of reality and exist among the human souls and not the non existent demons that were only present in the head of his.

But where was his fault? He had found the feeling of safety among those demons that that sucked the energy of his brain and consumed him, beginning from his soul and ending on the tapestry of his heart. His head was the only place he felt safe in and that's where he stayed, among the monsters in his mind.

Watching the horizon and seeing the light appearing right on there, a smile appeared before his lips with his doe eyes twinkling at the breath taking sight of sun rising. The light. The light was coming, just like everyday it did, it was coming, it was there. It was arriving arriving lit up his day and-

It came. His light came. Just like everyday. The light of his life.

" Am so fucking sorry, Angel. " Taehyung muttered in haste, entering the room with a tray of coffee with some cake and butter cookies at the side. Out of breath, he released a breath as he sat down on the couch beside Jungkook and placed the tray before Jungkook on the table in the front,

" I knew I was gonna get late, just like every damn day. " Taehyung sighed, relaxing himself on the couch after placing the tray and then fake cried, watching the sun rise, " I always miss the the sight of first ray appearing. I wanna watch it beside you, god, I hate myself. "

Jungkook watched him, silently. Taking in every inch of his sight, every dip, the curve of his nape, and the genuine passion for the sight somehow mixed with the feelings of sorry resting in his eyes had Jungkook’s lips curling into a smile with no effort.

It wasn't something that happened once in a blue moon, no. It happened every day, every second spent in the company of Taehyung with his scent taking over his senses and his words entering his ears, everything was gone from Jungkook’s shoulders and all that stayed behind was Taehyung and the sincere feelings of his.

Jungkook spent his entire life in imagination, fantasies, where happiness was found in air. Something which was known to his mind but unknown to his lips, eyes, heart and soul. Taehyung held his hand and slowly guided him to this real world where, happiness was in this person.

The person sitting across him. The person with dark brown hair, oceanic eyes and impeccable personality. Happiness was never touchable, it could only be felt. But fate landed Jungkook in a place where not only his happiness was touchable, but it was also a place which sat there protecting and holding his home.

Jungkook pulled himself closer to Taehyung, making the couch side next to Taehyung dip slightly as he sat there. Taehyung turned to his side, pouting, " Next day- "

Taehyung’s words were stopped in the middle when Jungkook's hands landed over his which were crossed over his lap. Coiling his fingers around Taehyung’s wrist, Jungkook leaned himself closer, looking directly in Taehyung’s deep eyes,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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